There were reportedly some who came to Csengery Street even though they weren’t on the list either.

Coronavirus – the second year

It has been more than a year since the Chinese authorities informed the WHO of the emergence of a new, rapidly spreading virus. Since then, there has hardly been a person in the world who has not heard the term Covid-19, and more and more people are mourning a family member or friend with whom the new disease ended as stocks collapsed in weeks and our entire lives. they were rewritten by the epidemic. By now, the vaccines have been completed, which in turn raises not only hope, but again a lot of questions, while not only stopping the virus, but also threatening another mutation. You can find the details of this fight in our article series.

There were those who were called vaccinated in capital VI. district, on Csengery Street, that the institution was already closed at the given time – writes Magyar Hang.

A man traveling from Tolna County to Budapest told the portal that he was scheduled to be vaccinated at 6 p.m. Sunday night, but had already arrived at the scene a quarter of an hour earlier. Then he saw that the door was closing. They told him there was only vaccination until four thirty. He also learned that more than 30 people who were also not on the list arrived at the vaccination point on Sunday.

Otherwise, the man would have received AstraZeneca. No information has yet been given to him on when to make up for missed vaccinations.

Magyar Hang asked operational staff what caused the organizational error, how many people were affected exactly, and when they could return for vaccination, but has received no response so far.

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Only public media can take pictures at vaccination points
At home

A letter about it was sent by the General Directorate of the National Hospital.

They broke into a fire station in Budapest.

Hungarian nation
At home

They broke into a vaccination point in Budapest, but it is not yet clear whether they wanted to steal vaccines or just syringes.