According to a staff member at Semmelweis University, research and contact testing can no longer stop the epidemic.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Semmelweis University epidemiologist fellow Beatrix from Russia recently made a high-profile statement with the head of the ITM team when she said in an interview with him that the number of Hungarian coronavirus cases is not growing just because the country has reached its maximum testing capacity, but the briefcase In his interview, he analyzed in more depth the management of the Hungarian epidemic, comparing it with the Austrian ones:

According to Oroszi, “in addition to individual protection, it would be good not to give up research and contact tests, since we do not have a good evidence-based method in our hands”, as there is still no effective vaccine or drug But these two can reverse the trend. if we do it right.

If not, I fear that sooner or later there will be nothing left but restrictive measures and the closure of the country ”.

Russia said.

The epidemiologist also explained the current difference between Austria and Hungary, even though we bring similar figures: the fact that Austria performs more than twice as many tests per thousand inhabitants and, depending on the epidemiological situation, has increased the tests. its capacity, so we can detect far fewer cases. “The positivity rate for them also reached 5 percent in mid-September, and then they increased their ability not to exceed that value, which they have achieved to this day. Therefore, their surveillance is more reliable than ours. We have much less tests and the positivity rate is more than double that of Austria. “

Russia, however, also drew attention to the fact that contact testing and investigation alone can no longer stop the spread: “The greater the number of new cases per day in the population, the more difficult it is to win. testing and contact research capabilities. So how people behave is key.

The full interview can be read by clicking here.

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