The Hungarian government has lifted travel restrictions.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Hungary has lifted restrictions on Austrian travelers introduced on September 1, citing ORF Statement by Karl Nehammer, Austrian Minister of the Interior. While they write

From now on, those who are certified by a Hungarian company to participate in a business trip will be able to travel without restrictions.

The Minister also recalls that Austria is the sixth most important export market and the eighth most important import market for Austria. Over the past year, Austrian products worth € 5.6 billion were exported to the country.

Nehammer’s announcement coincides with what Károly Kontrát, parliamentary secretary of state for the Interior Ministry, spoke at the closed Pornóapáti border crossing at his press conference on Thursday. According to the Secretary of State, at the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the government decided last week that business and economic trips would be allowed beyond the 30-kilometer radius, provided that the interested parties present the necessary proof in the passage frontier.

The details were published in the Hungarian Gazette last Friday: according to this, anyone who can prove that they are leaving Hungary for financial reasons can cross the border back without restrictions. Relaxation also applies to foreigners if they come to Hungary on a business trip.

Meanwhile, in Austria, the rules for wearing masks were tightened on Friday to curb the spread of the coronavirus. The Austrian government has announced that it will be mandatory to wear the mask in all stores and, with the exception of classrooms, in school buildings.

Events where guests do not have designated seating, such as private parties, can be held indoors for up to 50 people and outdoors for up to 100 people. The upper limit for seated public events is 1,500 indoors instead of the current 5,000 and 3,000 outdoors instead of 10,000.

In Austria, the number of new coronavirus cases set a record in late March on Thursday. As of Friday, 580 new infections had been registered in the country. according to the data collected by. The number of active cases is 5,570. So far, 750 people have lost their lives during the epidemic and a total of almost 32,000 infections have been recorded.

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Another border crossing will open for travelers in two time zones.
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The Pinkamindszent – Strém crossing can be used for two hours a day.

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The discount given to tourists from the Visegrad countries is also reciprocal, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.