Don’t panic if you hear the sirens growl on Monday morning.

A nationwide siren rehearsal will be held on January 4, the Department of Disaster Management said late Sunday.

Starting at 11 a.m. On Monday morning, a “growl” test of the reduced-function residential alarm system will be conducted. In doing so, the following message will sound from over half a thousand sirens in the country:

Attention this essay, attention this essay

Now you hear the reduced test run signal!

Now you hear the reduced test run signal! “

The message, followed by the sound of the siren, which you can hear here, is repeated every month this year, with a full-service rehearsal planned for March and September.

Details can be found on the Disaster Management website.

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Disaster Management Says Christmas Eve Has Brought Fires
At home

On Christmas Eve, a total of 150 emergency calls were made to help in the event of a disaster.

Wednesday morning earthquakes were also felt in Hungary


Today’s earthquakes can also be felt in Kaposvár, Lenti, Nagykanizsa, Pécs and Zalaegerszeg.