According to the Foreign Minister, if there were no helicopters, he should have chosen, for example, among the Hungarian party candidates on the other side of the border and a transfer in Berettyóújfalu.

On this occasion, Péter Szijjártó did not refer to privacy, but to build the image of a hard-working man as another form of communication, he chose the idea that it was not entirely normal for a police helicopter to travel to Budapest and Tolna in a journey of 1.5 hours. his service car was dispatched after that.

The chancellor argued, listing his schedule on Friday, that a helicopter was needed here:

“Okay, I get the point.

Here’s the question for those who have criticized her:

Let’s look at the working day on Friday. What work shouldn’t I have done?

1. Shouldn’t he have negotiated with Shell executives in Budapest and announced Hungary’s first long-term gas purchase agreement with a Western company?

2. Shouldn’t the Romanian Foreign Minister and the Minister of Transport have met in Nagykereki and shouldn’t the second motorway connection on the Hungarian-Romanian border have been delivered?

3. Shouldn’t I have gone to Oradea to meet with the DAHR candidates running in the Romanian municipal elections, and shouldn’t I have agreed with them about the future support of the Hungarians from Transylvania and Partium?

4. Shouldn’t I have met with the leaders of Mezei-Vill Kft. In Berettyóújfalu and should I have announced an investment of more than HUF 500 million to protect hundreds of jobs?

With minimal geographic knowledge, it can be seen that helicopter assistance was also needed for this day.

I ask again: which of these jobs should I not have done?

The politician, who was forced to explain his luxury vacation in the summer, also listed his current schedule in front of him: “It’s been a long day, and now it’s time to pack home because we’re going to the United Arab Emirates. at midnight, then to Malta, Bangladesh and Laos for another week. “

As asked by the Foreign Minister,’s team of foreign policy experts also met to answer which of the aforementioned jobs could have been omitted in such a way that it would not have looked like anyone else. We found a total of four, listed:

1. Negotiate with Shell leaders in Budapest, after which the long-term gas purchase agreement with Hungary’s first large western company was announced.

2. With the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Transport of Romania and delivery of the second motorway connection on the border between Hungary and Romania.

3. Go to Oradea to meet the DAHR candidates running for the Romanian municipal elections.

4. Meet with the leaders of Mezei-Vill Kft. In Berettyóújfalu, to announce an investment of more than 500 million HUF.

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TEKs did not sail with Szijjártó
At home

This was revealed by the response of the Ministry of the Interior to the written question of János Stummer de Jobbik.

Szijjártó wrote a letter to his friend, Lukashenko's minister, but no one should believe that the target is the culprit.
At home

According to Lukashenko, the Catholic Church supports the opposition in the Belarusian protests, so the Catholic Archbishop of Minsk has not been able to return to his homeland from Poland since August 31. Peter Szijjártó now grabbed a pen for his sake.