A cultured man will not formulate such thoughts in 2020, knowing the horrors of Stalinism and Nazism, András Kepes, writer, journalist and university professor, told the RTL Club.

Szilárd Demeter, general director of the Petőfi Literary Museum, called Europe the gas chamber of György Soros in Origón’s journalism published the other day, and compared the current situation of Hungarians and Poles with that of the Jews killed in World War II . “George Soros is the liberal Führer. And his liberal army deifies in a more slavish way than that anno Hitler, ”wrote Demeter.

Many, including various Jewish organizations, were outraged by the tone and thoughts of the article. In this case, he got in touch with András Kepes RTL Klub, who drew attention to the fact that Szilárd Demeter really thinks like that, it is not a misunderstanding, unfortunate wording or recklessness on his part. According to him, all educated people are offended by the words of the ministerial commissioner, be it conservative, liberal or whatever. He also added that he did not expect Demeter to resign or be replaced.

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