They are preparing for a lawsuit in Magyar Hang, after the Pest Guys identified one of Zsolt Bayer’s former “comrades in arms” with an employee of the weekly, whom the publicist described as a pedophile.

The Pest Guys close to the government essentially revealed who they thought they knew when Zsolt Bayer spoke on HírTV about a “former comrade in arms” and who, in general, claimed to have confessed to him as a pedophile twenty years earlier. Although the person in question was not named, it was described that he worked for Magyar Hang and his work was ignored for a long time.

The weekly’s editor-in-chief, György Zsombor, told that it was all based on a big lie. “Obviously, there is a burning desire in those close to the government to take revenge for the fact that József Szájer’s behavior caused the entire Hungarian government to ridicule itself throughout Europe. Zsolt Bayer tried to put our employee in a false color without any evidence, we are planning legal action on the matter, ”he told

Bayer made no reference on the show to who it might be, speaking about the Sayers affair that his “ex-warrior” confessed on a 12-hour trip “fearing, fearing, stuttering, almost crying because it was gritty.” Then “two years later, the same man said, laughing without the slightest scruple, reservation or annoyance, that he likes to go to Thailand, among other things, because there are small children at his disposal.”

The publicist didn’t say on the show if he had done anything about it after that, so we asked several attorneys if he had a duty to speak to someone who found out about it. It turned out that it is not: according to the Penal Code, it is not mandatory to go to the authorities if we have knowledge of a pedophile crime, it does not qualify as patronage.

The lack of reporting has consequences in the case of corruption, terrorism or kidnapping, not in the case of sexual crimes, they explained to

In any case, due to Bayer’s words, several politicians filed a complaint against an unknown author.

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Zsolt Bayer can make a TV movie with 300 million

It will be the director and producer Gábor Kálomista. The latter company receives the support of the National Film Institute. The film is about the life of the Transylvanian writer Balázs Orbán.

Zsolt Bayer on housing: I did not admit any violation of the law
Real estate

According to Bayer, only the mayor of District I accuses him and the Naszályi V had already leaked to the press about renting an apartment.