According to Tamás Svéd, people with mild symptoms will soon be expected to work.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Hospital staff are constantly being exhausted, the number is reduced by referrals and illnesses, or by the fact that there will be a doctor or a nursing contact person, so he is forced to stay at home, he told Népszava the secretary of the Hungarian Medical Chamber.

According to Tamás Svéd, the problem is so great that becoming a contact within a tight deadline will no longer be a reason for exclusion from work, and even with mild symptoms of covid, health professionals are expected to go to work.

“Simply because otherwise there will be no one to care for patients,” said the specialist, who assures that the greatest shortage is of intensive care nurses.

In proportion to the saturation of the system, new healthcare centers will be opened gradually, but according to Tamás Svéd, the new healthcare centers will not offer patients the same conditions as the institutions and departments designed and equipped to treat initially infected patients.

The neurology and psychiatry clinic at Semmelweis University or the oral surgery clinic in Szeged cannot have the same conditions, nor can they work with the same efficiency and effectiveness as in the covid department of the former St. Ladislaus Hospital “

he told the MOK secretary, adding that clearly there are more people going to the hospital than leaving.

According to Tamás Svéd, if the government fails to curb the growth rate of the epidemic with strict measures,

It may not happen in months, but in weeks, similar to the situation in the spring of Italy.

“We have realized that the government does not want to close the country in the same way as in the spring. But there are still many stages between the spring state and the current situation that could be achieved without putting the economy at greater risk than necessary.

For example, at big events and football matches, crowds would no longer have to fight together to scream and shout, “the MOK secretary told the newspaper.

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