At their press conference, the channel’s leaders said they want to continue with the same content.

András Arató, president of Klubrádió and CEO Richard Stock, offered a press conference on Tuesday’s verdict of the Metropolitan Court, according to which his claim was rejected, so the channel will only be able to use its frequency for a few days.

Arató, who previously spoke to, said that a shameful decision had been made, that it was about two things: on the one hand, the Media Council acted legally when it did not extend its frequency, and on the other hand, state of the state. of law. According to the president, the verdict was on how the Media Council could have made a decision contrary in content to those made in relation to other radio stations in exactly such circumstances.

Arató also referred to two violations by Klubrádió, on the basis of which his frequency license was not extended. He said that a radio station had to give the authority a monthly or weekly report on what its weekly content was like. They were twice late for delivery. This happened at a time, according to Reaper, when the law did not set a deadline for doing so. He added, apparently, that that’s enough to deprive hundreds of thousands of their favorite radio.

He also said that the court finally gave its blessing that an authority could decide differently on different people for the same thing.

Richard Stock began by saying that the sentence was interesting from a lawyer’s point of view. In his view, the court did not apply substantive reasoning in its judgment in an unprecedented way: it summarized so much that there was no way to review the case.

According to the director general, the court did not respond to any of his allegations. This is a very serious problem, according to Stock, because if his action is dismissed in the same way in second instance, the court will certify that the Media Authority is doing what it wants, without taking responsibility for whether or not its decision was. legal. The ruling suggests that the court accepts that it does not even have the opportunity to examine the plaintiff’s merits.

Stock affirmed that they would not disappear, they would not disappear, although he said that would be the objective of state power. He believes that his future will depend solely on the students.

Harvester, on the future, said that they had been preparing for months that whatever happens, it would leave them with a free interface, the Internet. He said it was crucial at this time that those who had supported radio financially until now continue to do so. They want to continue with the same content, they feel the determination that it will continue to do so. They started the radio frequency competition, now only they are in competition.

The National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) announced in September that it would not renew Club Radio’s frequency license, which expires on February 14, 2021, due to repeated violations. The radio was alleged to have violated the same legal requirements twice within 365 days. It was written that regardless of the severity of the violation, the law does not give the NMHH Media Council a margin of discretion: if the radio operated in violation, a favorable evaluation of the extension request was ruled out. It was also indicated that the radio is not excluded from continuing to speak on the same frequency after a successful participation in the tender, or even starting a tender for another frequency.

Following the NMHH’s decision, Klubrádió submitted an application to a court, during which time a tender for the frequency it was using was published. In addition to the Klubrádió media service provider, the Association of Community Radios and LBK Médiaszolgáltató 2020 Kft. They also started the tender, but their offer was declared void. The tender procedure is currently on hold as LBK Media Service has appealed against the exclusion decision. According to the collector, there will be no final judgment before May.

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The club radio must be off
At home

The Metropolitan Court has dismissed his appeal so the channel will only be able to use its only frequency for a few days.

Club Radio President: This system should be replaced next year
At home

According to András Arató, by silencing the radio, the court also blessed the different treatment of each person and asked everyone to follow the online channel.