Tamás Portik also said at the court hearing that the audio recordings of the conversations between Tamás Gyárfás and him were manipulated.

Tamás Portik assures that his former “mentor”, the late Gábor Drobilich, and the “police” tasked him with speaking with Tamás Gyárfás and Gábor Princz until he managed to secretly state that they had something to do with Pine’s murder, he writes Hungarian nation. Reporting on the instigating trial of Portik and Tamás Gyárfás for Pine’s murder, the newspaper reports that Tamás Portik, who is serving his 28-year prison sentence, has now had a very different impression than on previous occasions: he has shaved and cut long hair.

However, he did not answer questions or make a full statement. Instead, he read a short statement. In it he made the above statement and also said that the sound materials that had been secretly recorded between him and Factory Tree had been tampered with. THE Hungarian nation He claims to know that one of the sound recordings from the Farkasréti cemetery, a data carrier, was also manipulated by an expert. Based on the cropped sound recording, Tamás Gyárfás tried to blackmail him in 2017

Portik also said the newspaper “doesn’t even want to hear” about Pine’s murder because, as he claims, he was in the United States between 1996 and 2003, which the US embassy can prove.

In the suit, Gyárfás is accused of commissioning Péter Tasnádi to kill his business opponent, János Fenyő. Tasnádi agreed but did not comply with the order, so Gyárfás accused Tamás Portik of inciting him, killing Fenyő, who then shot the media mogul with Jozef Roháč on February 11, 1998.

The next day of the trial, April 20, the linguist and sound technicians will listen and interpret the audio, which will be cleaned of noise, and then the judge, the prosecution and the defense will be able to ask questions of the accused and the experts. .

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Sándor Pintér's secret: it is no coincidence that he has been behind Orbán for more than 20 years

István Riba

The previous governments of Viktor Orbán have only one permanent member: Sándor Pintér, who, moreover, can be deployed in any field and his loyalty is unquestionable. The Foreign Minister recently emerged as a fixer in the reorganization of the health care system.

The Attorney General's Office does not like the Mansion's decision to merge the Portik and Gyárfás cases

MTI / hvg.hu
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Regardless of what the Supreme Judicial Forum says, the Metropolitan Court should not have joined the cases even then, according to the Attorney General’s Office.