The prime minister is back in correspondence with Manfred Weber, describing what he believes to be the problems of the European People’s Party today.

Manfred Weber has joined the elite club on the left, where the right has only one advantage and the left only one center, Viktor Orbán wrote in response to the leader of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament on Wednesday. The Prime Minister’s Press Office informed MTI in a statement about the letter.

The letter is preceded by an Orbán from the German World sunday In an interview with the newspaper, in which the Prime Minister said that the leader of the PE Group of the European People’s Party had offended the Hungarian people. Weber responded to this in a tough article, saying that he believed Orbán wanted to destroy a united Europe.

Hungarian Prime Minister Samizdat No. 5. In his article, Manfred Weber described Hungary’s policy of “ruling the country for ten years” as a mistake by the German public.

Orbán countered the country’s economic performance by pushing unemployment below 4 percent and public debt below 84 percent by 66 percent at the beginning of the epidemic, “GDP has been growing 2-3 percent faster. than the European average since 2014, and we proportionally spend most of our money across Europe on family support, culture and sports, we provide free kindergartens, kindergartens and school meals and textbooks for Hungarian children. “

According to Orbán, it is a “known fact” that Weber resents Hungary: “He blames us for not fulfilling the ambitions of the president of the European Commission,” he said, adding that they hope their leaders will strengthen their party family.

According to the politician, in an elite club of the left, an incapable European political geometry is fashionable. According to this, the right has only one advantage, so its very existence is a constant threat in itself: fascism, Nazism, nationalism, anti-Semitism and homophobia. The left, on the other hand, is only in the middle, so there should be no threat to popular ideals, or to freedom, or to democracy, or to the market economy.

The prime minister went on to discuss the problems of the People’s Party: he said that “the British had been drawn first from the EPP and then from the union, the conservative group led by PiS could not be a partner, and it was better to get rid of the suspected Christian conservatives by Fidesz. “

“The people of Brussels must also understand that our contempt for Marx, Lenin and communism in Central Europe is no less than that of the Nazis and National Socialism,” he said, adding that politicians who aspire to public office must also understand that Central Europe they will never renounce their Christian values, and they will do wrong if they want to force us immigrants.

“It is wrong to deny the existence of national sovereignty, as Weber does,” he wrote.

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According to Weber, Orbán wants to destroy a united Europe


In the Welt am Sonntag, the German politician wrote that this is the goal of anyone who equates the EU with “the authoritarian regime of the Soviet Communists.”

Samizdat, balfácán, ban - reacted to the words of Orbán Manfred Weber in a strange advertisement
At home

The Prime Minister issued a specially structured and drafted statement through the MTI’s National Press Service. It begins with “Viktor Orbán’s response to Manfred Weber (EU Samizdat No. 3)”.