Péter Cseh had previously wanted to support the settlement fee from the pulpit.

Péter Cseh, parish priest of the 18 towns of the Pécs diocese, wrote a letter to Pope Francis himself, in which he asked him to dissolve celibacy, because he did not think it was right for priests to live alone in the parish. Righ now.

The Czech idea was reinforced by the coronavirus, since even the churches were closed at that time: “The priesthood only in the parish is a defect that gives rise to a thousand defects. For example, parenting, addiction, could dominate the pastoral style, structural selfishness, in a word, self-centeredness ”, writes the father, who claims to have lived in retirement for several months due to restrictions.

The Czech saw the priestly way of life as increasingly sick and celibacy as one of the reasons why fewer and fewer young people chose this profession, and would not recommend it to anyone with a good heart.

Péter Cseh is almost traditionally an independent priest, for example, he was investigated in July 2016 because he was interested in the identity of the then mysterious adviser to the prime minister, Árpád Habony, and also wanted to support the settlement quota from the pulpit. The latter could not do because it was suspended, but in 2017 the investigation concluded that there is no aspect that hinders the priestly service of Péter Cseh, so that from March 2017 he can return to perform his parish functions.

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The Pope has rejected a partial dissolution of celibacy and conservatives are happy


Pope Francis rejected a proposal initiated by several bishops last October to allow married men to serve as Catholic priests in remote isolated parts of the world. The papal resolution represents a triumph for conservatives who fear tradition, saying the change could have pushed the church down a slope where there are no more stops.

Former gay celibate politician also speaks at government conference for Christian journalists

Teen Victoria
At home

The future of Europe and the challenges of the religious press will be discussed in a three-day event.