The former deputy of the MSZP, László Donáth, who currently works as pastor, was announced by the cleaning clerk at the Gaudiopolis Lutheran House of Love in Békásmegyer because he allegedly abused Donáth.

The investigation into the László Donáth case has not yet ended, according to the Budapest Attorney General’s response sent to on Wednesday. Our newspaper then contacted the prosecution that a Pest boys wrote, “Donáth’s investigation is in the field of vision, they may soon be charged against a former MSZP politician involved in the harassment case.”

Spokesperson Ferenc Rab wrote to our question:

Depending on the prosecutor’s office, the police part of the investigation can be completed and the prosecutor’s decision on the merits can be made after the documents have been presented and the files have been sent to the prosecution. The term for this is 2 years from the first suspicion, on the basis of which the prosecution must make a decision in 2021 ”.

In other words, it will soon become clear how the case of László Donáth continues, suspected of having committed a serious crime of serious bodily injury and a humiliation of human dignity for a vile motive.

Former MSZP MP ​​László Donáth (who is the father of Momentum MEP Anna Donáth) currently works as a pastor at the Evangelical House of Love Békásmegyer in Gaudiopolis. The man was denounced by a cleaning lady from the institution because he allegedly abused Donáth, strangling her with both hands while leaving his cleaning car in front of a sacred image. The woman made a sighting that reported “slight fuzzy redness” and “suspected bleeding” around her neck. He also stated that the pastor had not treated him properly before: he claimed to have detained him, made him a sexual offer.

Subsequently, the victim was the subject of a forensic psychological opinion that, according to the Prosecutor’s Office at that time, reinforced the well-founded suspicion.

Speaking to, the woman who reported on Donátht said that the pastor also abused other people, but that she had no idea to turn to the media, TV2 contacted her and then amassed the stories.

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