The perpetrators were suspected of being a 36-year-old man with three children.

A 16-year-old was abused in Sárkeresztúr on Saturday night and the alleged perpetrators were arrested by police on Sunday, police said.

The injured boy’s doctor at Szent György University Hospital in Fejér County was reported to have reported the abuse.

The police also held a witness hearing and site visit in Sárkeresztúr.

Police quickly identified and captured the alleged perpetrators, a 36-year-old man and his 15, 17 and 18-year-old sons, from their homes Sunday morning.

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A man was dangerously late in Tápióság

At home

A 32-year-old man was late to a 33-year-old.

A dangerous man was hit on a bus in Csepel
At home

The beaten man suffered life-threatening head injuries and could face up to 8 years in prison for his assailants.