The number of actively infected people approached 52,000.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

On Thursday, another 3,286 people were diagnosed with the new coronavirus infection, and a total of 71,413 people have been registered in Hungary since the outbreak began.

Covid-19 complications from the coronavirus killed 65 patients last day, killing a total of 1,699.

In one day, most of them lost their lives during the epidemic, and the majority of deaths to date were reported on October 27.

17,953 people have been declared recovered since the beginning of the epidemic (+484).

The number of active infections increased from 2,737 to 51,761.

The hospital treated 3,753 coronavirus patients on Thursday, 556 more than the day before.

Of those, 267 are connected to a fan, up from 12, compared to Wednesday.

The number of lab tests performed increased by 15,638 on Thursday, a positivity rate of 21 percent, while the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 5 percent, so far a total of 1,048,580 have been performed. tests.

There are 26,396 people in official home quarantine, according to the latest report, an increase of 811 in one day. ​​also warned that the rules on the use of masks will be tightened starting next week. In addition to shops and public transport, the use of the mask is currently mandatory in cinemas, theaters, shopping centers, health and social care facilities, customer reception offices, outdoor events and sporting events. As of Monday, it is mandatory to wear the mask in restaurants and entertainment venues.

According to the decision of the operating tribe, there is currently an extraordinary recess in 86 kindergartens (+4) and schools undergo cleaning and disinfection during the fall break.

On the last day, 688 new infections were registered in Budapest. In the counties, it developed as follows:

  • Plague: +384
  • Csongrád-Csanád: +276
  • Bács-Kiskun: +256
  • Győr-Moson-Sopron: +248
  • Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén: +183
  • Veszprém: +159
  • Fejér: +142
  • Hajdú-Bihar: +137
  • Baranya +128
  • Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg: +113
  • Peaceful: +99
  • Hall: +87
  • Somogy: +86
  • Komárom-Esztergom: +62
  • Town: +62
  • Nógrád: +56
  • Tolna: +51
  • Heves: +35
  • Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok: +34

The government is only looking at statistics that are good for the coronavirus

In terms of EU countries, Hungary is at the forefront of the recent death toll per million people. However, the government communication has remained calm, stating that it is not looking at this but the epidemic as a whole, so the overall picture remains favorable due to the mild spring wave. The main question is how long more serious closures can be avoided.

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Orbán: Vaccination possible for December, the violation of the rules of use of masks will be severely punished from Monday
At home

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has not announced a new adjustment, but said the police will “act with force” starting Monday to enforce the rules for wearing a mask. He also spoke that the first dose of the vaccine could come by the end of the year, with chronic patients and the most vulnerable elderly getting vaccinated first. Vaccination against the coronavirus is possible in Hungary in April, according to Orbán.

This tightens the rules for wearing a mask: a fine of one million can be imposed, a store closing for one year.

In restaurants and entertainment venues, everyone should cover their face. Also, guests can only remove the mask while eating and eating what they bought.