AstraZeneca vaccines number in the millions in the EU


So far, only one in five AstraZeneca vaccines has been used in shipments to EU member states, The Guardian found.

The document reported from the European Center for Disease Prevention (ECDC) and other anonymous official sources that AstraZeneca had so far delivered 6,134,707 vaccines to the 27 member states, but 4,849,752 of these had yet to be administered to anyone.

This may be because in France, Germany, Poland and Italy, among others, this type of vaccine is only offered to those under 65, and in Hungary only to those under 60, and young people are less susceptible to it.

Angela Merkel In an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the German Chancellor spoke of many who rejected the vaccine due to questions about its effectiveness.

There are currently acceptance issues with AstraZeneca. It is an effective, reliable, safe and approved vaccine approved by the European Medicines Agency, which we recommend in Germany up to 65 years of age. All authorities tell us that this vaccine is reliable. As long as there are so few vaccines available, there is no classification

He explained.

When asked if he would give himself the AstraZeneca vaccine to promote it, he replied that

I am 66 years old, so I am not in the age group for which it is recommended.

The Guardian also mentioned examples in its article.

  • Belgium received 201,600 vaccines against AstraZeneca, of which only four percent received 9,832 doses,
  • Of the 117,600 doses, Bulgaria is just over 2,000 (1.73 percent),
  • In Germany, 189,206 (13%) of 1,452,000 vaccines were administered to humans,
  • while in Italy only 96,621 (19%) of the 499,200 doses.
