Anti-fall wrap – Beauty and fashion


Hair conditions can also easily change due to weather, environmental influences, nutrition, and health or hormonal issues. Problems generally take the form of dryness, fragmentation, or hair loss. The latter can also become more intense as the seasons change.

If you lose more fibers than normal, but the daily amount does not exceed one hundred and diseases can be ruled out, you don’t have to worry. The phenomenon is completely normal and luckily you can even do it at home.

Homemade wrap against hair loss.

In addition to adequate intake of vitamins and nutrients, it can also externally help stop hair loss and start growth. Even simple and inexpensive home solutions can be effective. The famous blogger Farah Dhukai has now shown her own favorite trick, thanks to which she has a wonderful, long and rich hair shower. The mixture not only stops hair loss and stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, but also eliminates dandruff and itching.


  • 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 20 drops of peppermint oil
  • 20 drops of tea tree oil
  • about 3-4 deci of warm water

Preparation and use:

Take a larger bowl or a bottle of clean, empty hair dye, then mix the ingredients well. Test on your wrist before wearing and do not wear if you experience irritation. First, wash your hair in the usual way: shampoo, conditioner, and rinse. Then apply the wrap to the scalp and then all the hair and massage thoroughly. If you have time, leave it on for 10 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water. If you don’t feel like your hair is clean enough or bothered by the odor that remains after mixing, you can wash it again once more with a pea shampoo quickly.

Apple cider vinegar makes the fibers stronger and brighter, prevents breakage, while peppermint oil stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, stimulates the hair follicles, thus stopping the fall and initiating growth. Tea tree oil has a similar effect, also due to its antibacterial properties. also treats the bran. To see the result in a short time, take the mixture twice a week.

Herbs for hair loss

It also works great if you use a decoction of certain plants on your scalp and hair. They stimulate blood circulation, nourish the scalp, reduce hair loss, but even promote fiber growth. With regular use of the following simple miracle cures, you will see the change in a few weeks – the crown of your hair will be rich and long.

Cover image: Getty Images Hungary.
