Another case of immunity with a Fidesz MEP


It is expected that the immunity of Fidesz MEP Lívia Járóka will be waived because the official administration in Belgium was pending after speeding.

An extraordinary meeting of the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (EP) will discuss on Friday the motion to waive Lívia Járóka’s immunity, Népszava reported. The office of the Vice President of Parliament Fidesz confirmed that the Belgian authorities had requested the waiver of his immunity due to a “previous speeding that was already being resolved”.

Járóka probably forgot for a long time to pay the fine imposed for the traffic offense, and the offense case went to court.

The EP received last September a Belgian request to waive Lívia Járóka’s immunity. A parliamentary report is being prepared on this. The approval or rejection of a request for waiver of immunity will be decided by the plenary, which is certainly not expected before spring.
