Anna Donáth was removed from public life by the Minister of Justice


Anna Donáth was removed from public life by the Minister of Justice on Saturday’s Hír TV broadcast, because the momentary MEP “refused to hold regular informal conversations with the Vice-President of the Commission, Vera Jourová, on the question of the State of Hungarian law “.

If Anna Donáth really takes the rule of law and democracy seriously, she will leave public life immediately after the fall, Judit Varga said.
The leaked video of Anna Donáth shows that the opposition has incited against the government’s decisions against the coronavirus epidemiche missed the show.

“When the Hungarian government and the Hungarian people worked together to lay down as few lives as possible and as few Hungarians as possible as a result of the coronavirus epidemic, the opposition MEPs in Brussels and Budapest also had a pre-written scenario. They represented the interests of Brussels and, by spreading false news, incited the decisions of the Hungarian government in case of emergency ”, declared the minister.

Justice Minister Judit Varga and Anna Donáth, Member of the European Parliament for Momentum, are debating at Tranzit’s “Garage Debate”.Source: Facebook – Transit

Judit Varga called it shocking that Anna Donáth had refused to negotiate with Vera Jourova in a public debate between the two on September 29.He did so “while proudly reporting on the now released recording that he was in constant contact with both Jourova and Judith Sargentini’s successor and constantly instructing them to achieve the political goals of the Hungarian opposition,” he emphasized.

According to Judit Varga, the sentences published by Anna Donáth are extremely shameful not only for her and the Momentum, as well as for the Hungarian opposition parties, but also Vera Jourova, who denied in an interview with a Czech newspaper on Friday that she had consulted directly with Hungarian opposition politicians about the rule of law report, is also being toppled.From what has just been heard from the now-defeated MP Momentum, it is clear to everyone what scenario Vera Jourová and her Baliberal allies in Brussels are using to attack Hungary, and who was behind the unprecedented series of coordinated attacks under the Act. Corona Virus.

“It is a shame that during the health crisis caused by a pandemic, members of the Hungarian opposition did it. If Momentum MEP really takes the rule of law and democracy seriously, he will leave public life immediately after such a fall. “ Judit Varga stated.

Anna Donáth previously wrote on Facebook that in March, when the Hungarian government was “struggling” with the adoption of the empowerment law on the national and international stage, Vera Jourová had repeatedly asked for her opinion as one of Hungary’s elected MEPs.
“Vera Jourova and I belong to a party family and we both work for a fair, humane and safe rule of law,” said the MEP.
