Angela Merkel announced dramatic decisions


As of Monday, November 2, important austerity measures will come into force due to the coronavirus epidemic in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced after an online conference with provincial leaders. Restaurants and pubs are closed, they can only work with home delivery, they can serve up to ten people at a time, they can only work if they live in a maximum of two homes. Tourist accommodations can only rent accommodations for mandatory business trips. Theaters, cinemas and concert halls will also be closed. However, schools and kindergartens will remain open. The measures are scheduled to run for four weeks, but will be reviewed after two weeks.

Angela Merkel, in a press conference in the early afternoon, said that the number of infections is “growing exponentially”, that the situation is very serious.

We need a national effort, we need to establish strict rules to limit relationships.

the chancellor said. He asked everyone to refrain from unnecessary travel.

Under the agreement, only members of two households can stay in one place, up to a maximum of ten. Whoever violates this will be punished. All entertainment and leisure events are prohibited. Theaters, operas and concert halls must close. Leisure sporting events are also not allowed. Professional sporting events can be held, but without spectators.

The restaurants will be closed until the end of November, only home delivery is possible. The factory canteens remain open. You must close the beauty salons, massages and tattoo studios. Hairdressers can keep it open, but under strict rules.

Wholesale and retail stores aren’t closed either, but there can only be one customer for every ten square feet inside. Hotels are also not able to receive overnight guests, except for mandatory business trips.

Schools and kindergartens, on the other hand, will remain open throughout November.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder called the austerity measures “four-week therapy” and Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz called November “month of truth” on Twitter.

German health authorities reported 14,964 new coronavirus infections in one day on Wednesday morning. That’s almost double what it was last Wednesday and it’s a new record. German authorities fear that hospitals are full and unable to treat patients.
