Andrea Várkonyi would no longer have a child at 46 – Hungarian star


Although he admires women who are trying to have children over the age of 40 to 45, Andrea Várkonyi When she turned 40, she knew she would never have another pregnancy.

“I am 46 years old now and I cannot imagine having a baby again. I am in another stage of life, my little girl is preparing little by little for high school. I love babies very much, but I already live with the children of relatives and friends”. Borsnak Várkonyi.

Pregnancy over 40

The newspaper also asked other celebrities about the possibility of having children, who unanimously stated that the timing of this should not be decided or calculated on a mathematical basis, nature is a much more complex clockwork than could be established. The most important thing is that the woman finds the right partner with whom to take the child in the family.

Actress Nelly Comb also experienced a more mature pregnancy, already forty-three when her second child arrived, but was wary of having a late child.

“Of course I was aware of the risks, so we did all the tests we need at this age, and I did not whip anything, there was no problem,” said Bors, the Moulin Rouge diva.

The article continues after the recommender.

Former beauty queen Éva Horváth has always wanted to be a mother. She was 39 when her little son was born.

– In the past, our grandparents used to say that a woman over 35 should no longer have a child. That has completely changed now. A woman in her forties still looks young. Of course, there can be countless situations in a woman’s life, but I think when the opportunity arises, wait no more! advised the presenter.

Shepherd Anna is a singer who gave birth to two children over the age of forty. the Anna and the Frontembere Barbiesaccording to which the inner voice should be heard, to no one else.

– I think this is our most intimate matter. (…) When I was 39 years old, I felt that the child was coming now.

Hungarian stars who became mothers over 40

Anna Fehér was 53 years old when she gave birth to their son, László Barnabas. She is not the only Hungarian actress who has decided to have a baby with her love over 40. Look who are those who, throwing an enmity to prejudice, assumed motherhood beyond the fourth tic!
