András Lovasi: What happened to you, Hungarian?


Many of his followers envision Orban as a large-scale statesman who will lead his country with a sure hand towards a new and happy future. My writing is mainly about how these believers now believe: we have arrived. That’s the happy future

This is how it starts Andras Lovasi his op-ed on, in which he also talks about the NER, reorganization after relative freedom after regime change, and the Hungarians.

The musician writes that although he wants to experience the end of the NER, he will probably spend the rest of his time inside the NER.

That I had roughly two decades between these two periods, and was able to spend exactly my most active years in relative freedom, I’m glad of that.

In a moment he writes Viktor Orban It was also difficult for him to realize that if he wanted to establish himself in power permanently, he had to agree with the people of Kádár, and from that commitment he had to strike the main blow.

And perhaps the worst thing is, what happened to you as a “Hungarian man”?

– writes, then continues with what the Hungarians are now.

What happened to your education, your reading, the chess tables in the little pubs, the fact that you could meet bitterly serene and intelligent people who lived in any of the small town drinks or on the boardwalk or on the trails of the forest in the hrabali pearl bubble? Where is your cynical humor with which you commented the editorial of Népszabadság besides splashing? Where is the outlawed virtue of the ’80s, a mindset that, of course, turned into a lot of trouble afterward, but then was itself a constant source of humor, “which overcame the scarcity economy.” What have these 30 years done to you? People who, if “told on television” are right. People who do not want to compete, neither in terms of information nor economics. They don’t want to fight for their truth because it never could have been. You do not know the verses, nor the time of the kings, nor what else is there in this world-country beyond your fences. You have become offended people. This became the basic state of Hungarian man.

A possible sequel, says Lovasi, is to reduce the information space as much as possible, occupying social sites, on the one hand by law, and on the other hand, “expanding and arming his army of trolls.”

The core content will come from below, atomized, on private pages as paid content, as constant, unstoppable filth.

The other will be the occupation and then neutralization of the artistic and cultural space, which has already taken place, the consequence of which is internalism,

a sea of ​​self-assertion, of self-assertion, of looking at its own reflection, of celebrating its own existence, apparently a distant culture, which, as in all international contexts, must be at least uninteresting, but rather ridiculous, consciously closed.

Featured image: János Marjai /
