András Fekete-Győr will be the candidate for prime minister of Momentum, promises euros and a four-day work week


Momentum has unveiled its candidate for prime minister, who is now officially in office András Fekete-Győr, president of the party formed in 2017.

As said in the party’s live broadcast conference, Hungary needs a prime minister who sees not only how to replace Orban, but what the country should be like. According to Fekete-Győr, this can be summed up in one word: Western.

“We need to end a stolen and stolen regime change,” said András Fekete-Győr, who said that the basic experience of his generation in Hungary was that they were afraid of power and that their family and friends were fleeing abroad.

The new prime minister has also made concrete promises of what they will do if they take office. In this case, among other things:

  • The euro is introduced.
  • Flexible pensions will be introduced and people will be able to access their pension account before retirement age.
  • A four-day work week will be introduced for 2030.
  • They join the European agency.
  • They will reform the education system following the Finnish model, abolish Klik, return control to teachers who will gain a lot.
  • Paks 2 contracts are terminated, making Hungary the greenest country in Central Europe.
  • They make it punishable if a politician’s wealth declaration is not real.

Fekete-Győr’s speech by four members of his team, Cseh katalin, Donáth Anna, Wind Bernadett Y Ákos Hadházy carried up to. The latter said that he had also been punched many times for running for prime minister, but his goal was to imprison as many people as possible who scammed EU money after the change of government and to prevent members of the new government from going tempted. So he’s glad Fekete-Győr is taking on the “sucker” that comes with being prime minister and giving him a free hand to do his thing.

We are updating our article.
