András Fekete-Győr threatens to blackmail state officials, resigns illegally if he wins elections


Máté Kocsis, leader of the Fidesz faction, reacted to threatening statements by Momentum president András Fekete-Győr, from the community side, that if the left wins the elections, state officials will be blackmailed and leaders will be illegally replaced.

Máté Kocsis writes on his Facebook page that, according to András Fekete-Győr, “in the event of a large-scale victory for the left, leaders will be illegally replaced, state officials will be blackmailed, and Viktor Orbán can leave the country forever. .

How lucky it is that with a great victory for the right, however, all the idols of the Bolsheviks can stay at home in peace. – writes the leader of the faction of the main ruling party.

On Mandiner’s page you can read that András Fekete-Győr was a guest of the Free Europe podcast study, who was asked about the opposition coalition and the room for maneuver after the elections.

The interview reveals that the president of the Momentum did not rule out that after Fidesz’s defeat, “Viktor Orbán will travel east forever.”

He believes that they will have the means to “disinfect” the Hungarian economy and the Hungarian state. He only wants to reveal details about this next year, at the time of the pre-elections, but stressed that if the opposition manages to seize power by simple majority, “it will not be ground.”

According to him, it can be seen from history that officials will not persevere with the “fallen side”, and this is where Fekete-Győr’s Bolshevik mentality arises: But this does not mean that, say, Péter Polt can stay, but in the form of a deal that he can freely leave, but in return he has handed over to the rule of law people whom we otherwise could not have repressed.

– quotes Mandiner Fekete-Győr, according to which the President of the Republic will obviously also have to be replaced.
