An Italian province will be completely closed due to the serious epidemic situation, there will be a curfew all day from Monday


Alto Adige (South Tyrol) is an area prone to epidemics, so the province will close its borders on Monday and a one-day curfew will take effect, said Arno Kompatscher, president of the autonomous province of Italy.

Arno Kompatscher independently ordered the closure of a province with just over a million inhabitants. The Italian government had previously classified Alto Adige as yellow, meaning moderately dangerous. The situation got worse – explained the measure of the governor of the region. Thus, the number of regions of Italy with a high degree of danger due to the spread of the epidemic increased to five, that is. In front of Alto Adige Since Friday, the Roman government classified the provinces of Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta and Calabria in this category for the next two weeks.

Empty chairs in front of the closed entrance of the cafe in Turin on October 30, 2020.Source: MTI / EPA-ANSA / Alessandro Di Marco

The governor of Alto Adige justified his decision by stating that

the proportion of infections screened for daily virus tests in the region rose to 26 percent.

In the province’s hospitals, the saturation of the intensive care units exceeded fifty percent. He added there are four hundred in the hospital and there are not enough doctors and nurses for them. Newcomers were hired and retired medical staff called in, the governor said.

A health worker in Anguillara, near Rome, is conducting rapid Corian virus tests on students at Vian High School on September 24, 2020.Forrás: MTI / EPA-ANSA / Massimo Percossi

Being in the red zone means that you can only enter or leave the area for work or other compelling reasons. An all-day curfew will take effect: the place of residence can only be left for work or school. Hospitality and commerce will also be closed, with the exception of grocery stores and stores that sell basic products. Education will continue in the classroom through the sixth year of elementary school, with older students transitioning online.

Workers are building pre-fab classrooms at a school in Milan to meet the rules needed to curb the coronavirus epidemic on September 11, 2020.Source: MTI / EPA / ANSA / Matteo Corner

According to data from the Rome Ministry of Health on Sunday night, more than 32,000 new patients were examined in a day after the previous more than 39,000, but with almost 40,000 fewer tests, and 331 patients died in one day.

There are almost 30,000 in the hospital, intensively 2,749.

Since February, 935,104 infected people have been tested and the death toll has reached 41,394. In Milan, which belongs to the red zone, this was the first weekend after the curfew was imposed.

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, the center of Milan will be almost empty on October 21, 2020.Source: MTI / EPA / ANSA / Matteo Corner

Despite the restriction, the city’s streets and parks were full of people cycling, walking, and playing sports. In the Turin area, also classified as an epidemic, the San Luigi Hospital has installed beds in the hospital chapel and in the conference room for Covid-19 patients. In Rome, which is low-risk in terms of epidemics, the small shops are full on the weekend due to the closing of the shopping centers.
