An employee of the public media was infected with a coronavirus.


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One of the public media employees was infected with the new corona virus, we discovered it on Tuesday. The information was also confirmed by another source independent of the first. Finally, we managed to receive a letter from MTVA CEO Dániel Papp, which he sent to staff on Monday morning.

MTVA Building on Kunigunda RoadPhoto: MTVA FB

Papp writes that his infected colleague was the last in service on April 5 in the Kunigunda Road building in public media. Not long after, the virus was detected in his relatives. Then he was quarantined at home and was no longer able to go to work. On April 17, it produced the first symptoms; tried and tested positive. The interested person immediately notified MTVA management.

“We began the investigation of contacts, mapping the movement of our employees and the possible route of contact. (…) During his work, he was in a space with very few people and, fortunately, he did not come into contact with anyone. He followed safety regulations, wore a face mask, and did not drive unnecessarily in the building, “Papp wrote in the letter.

Workers in an airspace with an infected coworker have been required to be quarantined at their home and examined. From the information it was not clear how many there are. According to the letter, all MTVA Kunigunda Road employees were required to wear a mask even before the incident, and colleagues were asked, among other things, to regularly disinfect their workstations. Everyone was specifically asked to have a close relative, a roommate showing symptoms, to stay home.

On March 10, a suspicion of coronavirus infection had already emerged in MTVA. So one of his colleagues went to work feverishly. The occupational physician immediately sent him to the hospital for examination, but his test ended up showing a negative result.

The case at the time was reported by M1 News a few hours later, and even at night it was confirmed that the test finally turned negative.

Papp’s letter also reveals that the public media has its own operational strain that has previously introduced the home office on workstations where it is not necessary to be in the studio in response to the epidemic, and other security measures have been introduced.

Filming of various shows was already suspended on March 16. Disinfection is ongoing in MTVA buildings, and all employees with internal and external cards receive a mask upon entry. The workers’ buses are also disinfected. MTI’s planned move has been postponed, and the restaurant in the news agency’s Naphegy Square building has been closed.

Papp specifically urges colleagues to respect the privacy rights of the person concerned and not to spread malicious or unsubstantiated information to anyone. The CEO closed his letter as follows:

“Finally, I thank everyone for being so exemplary and cohesive in this situation. In this unit, we can be strong and show what the public media can do!

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