An application for authorization has been submitted for one of the most promising vaccines in America.


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The vaccine trials were carried out on 44,000 volunteers and the results show that the vaccine is 95 percent effective in preventing viral infection and virus-induced Covid-19, respectively. The FDA approval process usually takes months, but usually years. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, experts expect the new vaccine to be licensed as of the first two weeks of December.

Another US pharmaceutical manufacturer, Moderna, has also indicated that it has developed a vaccine that is 95 percent effective, but has not yet submitted an application for authorization to the FDA.

US President Donald Trump has recently indicated that his administration expects about 20 million Americans to be vaccinated in December and then another 25 to 30 million in January. However, according to a poll conducted by the Gallup Poll Institute in October, 42 percent of those surveyed, precisely because of its speed, do not trust any vaccine and do not want to be vaccinated.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has repeatedly complained that the White House will not involve him or his staff in anti-epidemic measures and will not have access to plans to distribute the future vaccine.

At a news conference on Friday, Kayleigh McEnany, a White House spokeswoman, presented a copy of the draft vaccine distribution. “It’s publicly available if the former vice president wants to read it,” McEnany said.

Joe Biden wants Congress to vote on a new stimulus plan for the coronavirus epidemic as soon as possible, before the end of the year, Jen Psaki, a member of Biden’s take-back team, told reporters on Friday. “There is no time for any more procrastination,” Jen Psaki said.

Cover image: Getty Images
