An antibody has been found that completely neutralizes the new coronavirus – Terrace


Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have isolated the smallest biological molecule that completely neutralizes the new coronavirus that causes Covid-19 disease.

This antibody component, one-tenth the size of a full-size antibody, has been used to create a drug called Ab8 that could work to treat or prevent a disease caused by SARS-COV-2 infection, the university said in a statement.

In their study, published in the scientific journal Cell, the researchers reported that Ab8 was very effective in preventing and treating SARS-COV-2 infection in mice and hamsters. Its small size not only increases its ability to spread to tissues, better neutralizing the virus, but it also allows the drug to be delivered to the body alternatively, such as by inhalation.

The researchers noted that because it does not bind to human cells, this may mean that it cannot have negative side effects in humans. The efficacy of the new drug has been evaluated by researchers from the University of North Carolina, the University of Texas and the University of British Columbia.

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“Ab8 could not only play a role in curing Covid-19 disease, but it could be used to keep the new coronavirus infection away from humans,” said John Mellors, a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh, co-author of the study. – Larger antibodies have been shown to be effective against other infectious diseases and have been well tolerated by patients, giving hope that the drug will be effective in treating and protecting Covid-19 from those who are not infected and not have developed immunity. added.

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One recounted his experiences contact box

The woman, who works as a librarian, has also experienced on her own skin the tremendous turn life is taking as a result of the pandemic, and has been assigned a job filled with enormous responsibilities and challenges.
