The 18th Budapest Police Headquarters The District Police Department is carrying out proceedings against the 89-year-old man at an unknown location. József Imre Pesti in the case of his disappearance, writes police.hu.
According to available data, the old man on April 3, 2021 around 6 pm in an IX. He left the district hospital through an unknown location, has not shown any signs of life since then, the police are still searching.

Imre József Pesti is about 165 centimeters tall, his hair is short, autumnal. When he disappeared, he was wearing an aubergine purple jacket, brown pants, brown sandals, purple socks, and a brown baseball cap. The old man has difficulty navigating space and time.
The police ask that anyone who recognizes József Imre Pesti in the image has information about his whereabouts, although he maintains his anonymity, to make a complaint available at the 24-hour telephone number 06-80-555-111, free of charge. or 112, free of charge, emergency number.