Americans are sick of the radical left rampage, Donald Trump grows stronger


Not only will radical left unrest in the United States intensify. In addition to west Portland, a center for eastern violent movements has also developed in the capital, Washington. These actions are obviously related to the fact that Donald Trump has officially become a Republican presidential candidate and, as a result of the convention between the two main parties, according to polls, Trump is constantly getting stronger while Biden is getting weaker. The sportsbooks are only giving Biden a better chance. Seeing this, the radical left is already trying to use literally all means against Trump, including racism and homophobia. In Minneapolis, for example, a journalist of Asian descent was insulted with racist slogans, and in Washington, a former liberal gay activist, now Republican, who supported Trump was attacked.

Trump emerges, Biden weakens

As Origo reported, Democrats Aug 17-20 and Republicans Aug 24-27. As a result of the non-traditional nomination convention between Donald trump Presidential support began to grow and, in parallel, decreased Joe biden popularity.

Current United States President Donald Trump, who is preparing for his re-election, will also formally accept the presidential nomination in a ceremony on the last day of the Republican Convention on the White House Lawn in Washington on August 27, 2020. .Source: MTI / EPA / Polaris Images pool / Erin Scott

The Rasmussen Polling Institute said on August 20 that Trump’s support increased 4 percentage points in a single day.

The president received the support of 47 percent of those surveyed on Wednesday morning, and by Thursday it was already 51 percent.

The poll was conducted by researchers after speaking at the Democratic virtual presidential nomination convention. Hillary clinton Fallen foreign minister and losing presidential candidate, and Barack Obama former head of state and Kamala harris candidate for vice president.

Fox News analyst, And bongino evaluated the Rasmussen report as the first three days of the Democratic convention did not excite Americans or increase their sympathy for the Democrats and Biden.

According to polls, men and independent voters, who were not committed to either party, began to attract Trump more.

It is important to emphasize that communication research institutes always overestimate the Democratic candidate and underestimate the Republican. One reason for this is that Republican voters often hide from attacks from the radical left. The other is that research firms have also often leaned against the left.

It should also be noted that in the United States electoral system, it is not the national aggregation of votes that counts, but the number of electorates obtained (this is equal to the number of members of Congress for each state, and all but two states are chosen by the winning candidate in that state). kapja).

Yet Trump has reached out to Bident in volatile states in recent days, taking the lead in some places. According to RealClearPolitics, they are better at this than at the same time four years ago.

Seeing increasingly intense competition, Democrats are already using outright street violence for the long-awaited election victory. The most obvious sign of the use of violence is street dating by the radical left in cities run almost exclusively by Democrats.

In Portland, the radical left also wanted to break into the apartment of the Democratic mayor

According to a report by Fox News, in Portland, where radical leftist riots have been going on for more than two months, on Friday The anarchists wanted to break into the home of Ted Wheeler, a Democratic mayor.

Black Lives Matter and antifa activists present protested Wheeler’s unwillingness to cut police budgets. It is not yet clear whether the mayor was home at the time or not.

After the radical left failed to break into the mayor’s apartment, they marched in front of the police union building where they started the fire.

Right before the Friday moves Ted wheeler wrote a letter to Donald Trump protesting the president sending additional federal forces (National Guard) to Portland because he believed the local police could guarantee order (despite not having done so in the past two months). However, he pointed out that he did not agree to any form of violence.

A few hours later, Trump disqualified Wheeler on his Twitter page, adding yes the democrat mayor can’t fix it, then the federalists will do it because what’s been going on for 100 days is intolerable,referring here to the dating of the radical left.

In another tweet, he highlighted that After the National Guard showed up in the riots in Kenosha, they were put in order and there has been peace in the city for two days. He said the Portland leadership should learn from this example as well.

Washington became the center of radical left movements in the East.

Radical left-wing rallies in the federal capital were unprecedentedly renewed and toughened before Trump formally accepted the Republican nomination in the White House on Thursday.

According to the international news agency V4NA, back on Tuesday In the outdoor area of ​​a Washington restaurant, mostly white BLM activists started harassing a white woman who was having dinner, who, by the way, was supporting the protesters herself, demanding that she raise her fist because otherwise it was, then it was racist.

In another restaurant in the capital, a black extremist stalked a peaceful white party.

The situation in Washington became untenable after Trump officially became a candidate on Thursday. Radical leftist movements rallied around the White House that night, Employees and politicians who had just left the building were insulted by extremists, including Republican Senator Rand Paul and his wife.

Also in the capital attacked Trump’s committed gay activist Brandon Straka and his associate. Straka Formerly a Democrat and a Liberal, Trump became a Republican.

A marionette representing Trump was placed under a guillotine.

The movements in Minneapolis have not been uncontrollable in recent days, but there has been a racist incident on the part of the radical left. An Asian-American journalist was ridiculed as a “chink”, a racist slur that incited the Chinese.

At a campaign event in New Hampshire, Donald Trump condemned radical leftist riots, emphasizing that the left-wing media trivialize what happened. Although he did not mention it specifically, it is worth noting that when the left-wing propaganda media, CNN, reported on the raids in Kenosha, one of his correspondents claimed to be fierce (the word fiery is used primarily in English in a passionate and fierce sense ) but essentially peaceful demonstrations. are taking place. And in the background you could see a multitude of burning cars.
