Already 18 residents died of coronavirus in a nursing home after Santa’s visit


“Only time passes, you cannot forget whose life was goodness and love. Looking back at the past, something hurts, we look for someone who no longer exists. In vain all the tears cannot bring you back, you just have to learn to live without you. We have a hope that will live and lead us to meet you once more. We inform with deep sorrow to all who knew and loved that my dear husband, father, grandfather, father-in-law and relative, JENŐ TIBOR LAKATOS, an employee of RÁBA, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 69 of his life. His farewell will take place on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, at 1 p.m., in the Győrzámolyi cemetery. Mass of Atonement at 12:15 pm at the local Catholic church. We thank everyone who accompanied you on your last trip and we share our pain. No condolences. Mourning family

“The heart that was beating for us faded. The hand that worked for us rests. For us, you will never be dead, you will live forever like the stars. “We inform with deep sorrow to all who knew and loved that my dear good husband, our beloved father, grandfather, uncle, brother, father-in-law and relative, LÁSZLÓ LIDI, passed away peacefully at the age of 79 in Bősárkány. His burial will take place on December 30, 2020 at 3 pm in the Bősárkány cemetery. Mass of Atonement immediately after the funeral at the local church. Special thanks to the chief physician of the Karolina de Mosonmagyaróvár Hospital, Dr. To Zoltán Gasztonyi and to all the employees of the department for their sacrificed work, as well as to all those who accompany him on his last trip and feel our pain with us. Please do not condemn. Family in mourning

“You left suddenly, you couldn’t say hello, you closed your star eye forever. We take care of your sleep, just sleep! Dear Beloved, God be with you! “With a broken heart, we inform everyone who knew and loved that my dear husband, father, grandfather, brother, father-in-law and relative, TIBOR MÉSZÁROS, had passed away unexpectedly at the age of 64. His farewell after cremation will be on December 31, 2020 at 3 pm Mass of Atonement before the funeral at 2:15 pm at the local church. At the same time, we thank all those who accompany us on their last trip and feel our pain with us. No condolences Mourning family

We inform all who knew and loved that ZOLTÁN NYŐGÉR returned his soul to its Creator in the 65th year of his life with deep pain. His funeral will be on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, at 2 pm, at the New Town Cemetery, with a small family circle. There will be a mass of atonement in the church of Révfalu after the funeral. Thank you to all who have prayed for him, been with us in spirit, and shared our pain. Please don’t condemn. Mourning family

“We still see each other, I know, when the trombone sounds and all the corners of the universe recover. Until then, let your body sleep peacefully in the grave and the heavy stone slab should be light for your dust. (Janus Pannonius) With heartache we inform everyone who knew and loved that our beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, mother-in-law and relative, MIKLÓSNÉ NÁZÁR, was the birthplace of János Széll. Gizella Biró died at 84 years of her life. His funeral will be on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at 10 am at Écs Village Cemetery. Before our Atonement Mass at 9.15am at the local church. We thank everyone who accompanied you on your last trip and we share our pain. Please don’t condemn. Mourning family

“You fought, but you can’t anymore, silence embraces and loves. Only the forgotten dies, lives forever and is very loved. We informed everyone who knew and loved that ISTVÁNNÉ POZSGAI would give birth in deep pain. Zsuzsanna Giczi died quietly at the age of 63 of her life. His farewell after cremation will take place on Wednesday, December 30 at 3:00 p.m. in Jánossomorja, in the Saint Petersburg Cemetery. We are grateful to all who are grieving with us. Please don’t condemn. Mourning family

“It was a long journey that was already over, his tired body came to rest. Make your last journey in peace, our love will accompany you to your heavenly home ”. With heartache we inform everyone who knew and loved that my beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandfather, brother and relative, MIHÁLYNÉ RUMI, is giving birth. Erzsébet Kuti died quietly at the age of 94. His funeral will take place on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, at 1:00 p.m., in the Pér Cemetery, with a small family circle. We are grateful to all who are grieving with us. Please don’t condemn. Mourning family

“With your loving heart you have given so much, now by the grace of God you have been saved. Your body rests alone in the depths of the homeland, your memory lives in the hearts of your loved ones. With heartache we inform everyone who knew and loved that my beloved wife, beloved mother, brother, grandmother, mother-in-law and relative, SZENTE GYULÁNÉÉ Éva Csillag died at the age of 70. His post-cremation farewell will be on Monday, January 4, 2021, at 2 p.m., in the Church of the Holy Spirit, along with the Mass of Atonement. We thank everyone who accompanied you on your last trip and we share our pain. Please don’t condemn. The grieving family

“Only the forgotten die, live forever and are very loved.” We informed everyone who knew and loved that JÓZSEFNÉ SZÁKOVICS would give birth in deep pain. Anna Zabó died at the age of 87 of her life. His burial will take place on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. in the Fertőszentmiklós cemetery. In front of him is the Atonement Mass at 1:15 pm in the local church. We thank everyone who accompanied you on your last trip and shared our pain with us. No condolences. Mourning family

“Those who live in our hearts will not pass, the shadows, the dreams, the years will fade away. (Gyula Juhász) It is with deep sorrow that we announce that JÓZSEF SISKA, a resident of Minerá Ráró, passed away at the age of 81 in his life. We will say goodbye to our unforgettable dead on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, at 3 pm, in the mineral cemetery. No condolences. Mourning family

“With your loving heart you have given so much, now by the grace of God you have been saved. Your body rests alone in the depths of the homeland, your memory lives in the hearts of your loved ones. With a heartache we inform everyone who knew and loved that our beloved mother, grandmother, mother-in-law, brother and relative, ISTVÁNNÉ TÓTH, was born. Ilona Büky died of a prolonged illness at the age of 68. His farewell after cremation will take place on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at 12 noon at the Lutheran Cemetery of Felpéc. We thank everyone who accompanied you on your last trip and we share our pain. Please don’t condemn. The grieving family

“You fought, but you can’t anymore, silence embraces and loves. Only the one who forgets lives forever, who they really love dies. With pain in our hearts we informed everyone who knew and loved that my beloved mother, grandmother, mother-in-law, brother and relative, LIVING ANTALNÉ Eta, had passed away silently at the age of 79 in her life. We place our dear loved one in a close family circle for eternal peace. Mourning family

“The heart that beat for us faded, the hand that worked for us rested. You have given so much with your loving heart, now by the grace of God you have been saved. “Heartbroken by grief, we announce that our Beloved Mother, Grandmother, Grandmother, Mother-in-law and Family Member, ÖZV. JÓZSEFNÉ CSUTI gives birth. Erzsébet Sárvári “Pötyi” died unexpectedly at the age of 82. Our dear dead will be buried on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. from the old funeral home of the Győr-Nádorváros public cemetery. We thank all those who accompanied you in your last trip and we share our pain. Please do not condemn. Mourning family

“We will no longer hold their weakened hands, we will no longer smooth their graying heads. Your worried eyes do not look at us, your two working hands have rested. My dear good mother, may God be with you! “We bring with deep sorrow all those who knew and loved my dear mother, grandmother, great-grandfather, mother-in-law and relative, ÖZV. SÁNDORNÉ UDVARDI is born. Éva Matetics died peacefully at 86 years of her life as a resident of Csorna. Her farewell later of cremation will be on December 31, 2020 at 1 pm, in the San Antonio Cemetery in Csorna. At the same time, we thank all those who accompany us on their last trip and feel our pain with us. No condolences. Family mourning

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We want to thank everyone who attended the funeral of my dear husband, our father, VILMOS KARNER, who brought flowers, a wreath to his grave and shared our grief. Mourning family
