Almost all parliamentary parties support Draghi in forming a government


The former president of the European Central Bank, in the absence of his own office, continued the government formation talks in the lower house of Rome. The line of consecutive party delegations was closed by the League led by Matteo Salvini and the Five Star Movement (M5S), which ruled until January 19, with the latter delegation headed by founder Beppe Grillo.

In a press conference following the meeting with Draghi, Matteo Salvini said that the League did not impose conditions, did not request ministerial positions and did not veto the possible participation of the government of any other party. Salvini suggested that the left-wing parties said no to the joint government with the League.

He stressed that in the current health and economic crisis, the League wants to play a full role and is willing to do active government work rather than outside support. “We want to be part of a government that represents Italians in Brussels with its head raised,” said the leader of the League.

Salvini noted that, as the leader of the center-right coalition, he is more involved in the proper use of the 200 billion euros in economic recovery funds than in watching their distribution from afar. As the only condition, Matteo Salvini urged the incoming prime minister not to raise taxes. Hajrá, a member of the center-right coalition, assured Mario Draghi of his support on Friday. Single the Italian Brothers (FdI), led by Giorgia Meloni, say no to the call for elections.

Analysts say that FdI, which is steadily rising in polls by around 16 percent, could increase its support for the new government. The League can take a risk and lose voters, but Matteo Salvini, with the support of economist Mario Draghi, can give his party “institutional recognition” on the international and European political scene. The leader of the League, together with Mario Draghi, can prepare for the role of prime minister in the next elections.

On Saturday morning, the party founder who became a member of the Five Star Movement, Beppe Grillo, a comedian, gave an hour-long motivational lecture to encourage party members who left the government. The party delegation led by Grillo later consulted with Mario Draghi. The M5S will also support the emerging government on the condition that the resigned Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is assigned the position of Minister and the M5S will have the Ministry of the Environment. According to him, it will not be an easy task for Mario Draghi to unite the League and the Democratic Left Party (PD) in a single team. The M5S alone doesn’t matter, commentators said, as it addressed with the League and then the PD as well. However, the news of the League’s participation in the membership of M5S and PD has sparked a wave of protests.

Draghi said after the talks that “I have a summary of the talks waiting for me and the parties will have a voice in parliament.” Mario Draghi will consult with the unions on Monday and then hold another round of consultations with the parties. He is expected to present his ideas for forming a government to the head of state no later than Wednesday.

Cover image: Shutterstock
