All were ground by Ferenc Gyurcsány, left-hand Soros sausage was made



Gergely Christmas The mayor of Budapest, president of the Half Percent Dialogue, did not like it before Ferenc Gyurcsányet (or at least it did).

Gyula Molnár, former president of the MSZP, Gergely Karácsony and Ferenc GyurcsánySource: MTI / Zsolt Szigetváry

In 2012, even as LMP, the later mayor said in a conversation: I hate socks more than fidesz and in 2014, after the alliance and the agreement on the common list, the same Christmas declared an agreement with Gyurcsány: I do not deny that I had to drink some Unicums today to put up with the situation, I don’t like it that way, but it is. Gergely Karácsony has repeatedly criticized his old-new boss for the 2006 police terror and the destruction of the left, which IT IS ENOUGH WHEN THESE STEPS OCCURRED, CHRISTMAS FUNCTIONED AS A MEANS full of taxpayers’ money by the BALIBERIAL GOVERNMENTS.


The Momentum, which politicians had previously spoken of asking neither the fallen prime minister nor the old left-wing parties, was on the list headed by Gyurcsány a few days ago, instead of announcing “complete renewal and total generational change.” in 2017.

This is also evidenced in a Facebook post at the time. That person Cassandra predicted the 180 degree turn of the Momentum.


In March 2017 András Fekete-Győr The party president said the following in an interview with the left-wing Radio Club:

we want to withdraw the political elite of the last 27 years, so it immediately ruled out cooperation with other parties. The president of Momentum added: we are systemic critics, and that does not include entering into a coalition with current parties that have betrayed their constituents.

The leftSource: Facebook

Also in March 2017, the Momentum boss had the following to say about his current boss in an interview with

We are not arrogant towards everyone, if it is arrogance, but I don’t know what the god Ferenc is still looking for in politics. He could really hide from public life.

In November 2017, Fekete-Győr acknowledged to the left-wing news portal Budapest Beacon, which has since ceased to exist, that, among other things, the country is doing much better in terms of budget and public finances than before 2010.

Referring to the Gyurcsány era, the chairman of the radical left party continued: “Public television served the interests of the MSZP at that time. Fidesz was forced to create News TV. And the farm itself was shattered. The debt is the fault of the socialist governments ”.

Tamás Soproni, who was then one of the party’s vice-presidents and is currently the mayor of Terézváros, said in an interview with in August 2017: Our constituents will not vote for us because they want us to unite with others, and we will not betray supporters of the Momentum.

In the same interview, he said: “I think Hungarian public life has come to believe that we already believe in Simicska better than in Gyurcsány, which is incredible, but we do.” Donáth Annáworking Zoltán Ceglédi Quoting a leftist political scientist, he noted: Someone might like Gundel pancakes, goulash soup, and pumpkin soup separately, but if you mix them up, it’s still a wash. They tried in 2014, they didn’t come together, now something more is needed.

Then the momentary politician described the left-wing coalition as a “foundry” at the time. It is worth noting that Soproni was the then candidate for municipal representative of the “foundry” (Együtt-PM-MSZP-DK) in Terézváros in the 2014 municipal elections, but of course he did not get a mandate.

Tamás Soproni and András Fekete-Győr, two happy momentsSource: Facebook

After all this, in the interview Soproni expressed more clearly than anyone:

Immediately after the 2019 European Parliament elections, Fekete-Győr said about Gyurcsány: there must be a DK without Gyurcsany. Many DKs also resent that DK is a one-man show. And less and less is the rewarding. A month after the local government elections in 2019, the president of Momentum said that Ferenc Gyurcsány could not lead the left-wing coalition …


“The main task facing the Jobbik Movement for Hungary is to remove from political power the Communist successor party and its liberal extremist liberals.” – this is stated in Jobbik’s founding statement, which was adopted by the delegates at the party’s inaugural meeting in 2003. So when Gergely Pongrátz fighting with her tears, she handed over to those present the perforated flag that symbolizes the revolution. Even in the dream of ’56, he would not have thought that the organization he founded would be a driving force of political experts for Ferenc Gyurcsány and the successor communist organizations, and he would also regret the list of the fallen prime minister.

“Eyeshadow”, “traitor”, “anti-Hungarian” – To this day, the indicators with which Jobbik politicians once attributed Gyurcsány and members of the left return in the Hungarian public discourse. So, for years, Jobbik has positioned himself against the fallen prime minister, who has totally dominated the current left.

We will be satisfied if Ferenc Gyurcsány becomes a prisoner of Gyurcsány said shortly before the 2009 EU elections Gábor Vona former party president of the current president of the Democratic Coalition.

Gábor Vona, Ferenc GyurcsánySource: MTI

Notably, the party was still campaigning with the slogan “Hungary belongs to the Hungarians.” After Jobbik won seats in Brussels, he also entered the Hungarian Parliament with the slogan “radical change”.

What is Ferenc Gyurcsány looking for here, who is a great actor that an important part of the Hungarian people would like to see in several pieces? But aside from the joke, because there is nothing funny about it, let’s say: as long as they are in the temple of the nation, nothing has happened here! – This 2011 Vona parliamentary speech perfectly shows how Jobbik treated Ferenc Gyurcsány at that time.

A year later, in the opening ceremony of the match, Ferenc Gyurcsány, who left the MSZP, was characterized by unscrupulous, power-hungry, cynical, ultra-liberal, liar, traitor, and not really normal. And in the parliamentary election campaign of 2014, he claimed that they would not form an electoral alliance with anyone, they would not prepare for a coalition with anyone. Jobbik at the time was still completely rejecting the left alliance, writing in his 8-point summary that “Full of decayed, old and unfit people” make up the collaboration.

In 2017, Vonáék, who is increasingly open to the new left (LMP, Momentum), was still excluded from cooperating with the MSZP or DK. In their short statement, they wrote

Although eloquent that neither DK nor Jobbik supported an amendment to the Basic Law in the fall of 2016, despite the fact that 98% of those who participated in the referendum (more than 3.3 million people) voted no to the mandatory resettlement quota imposed by Brussels.
It was then that Gyurcsány and Vona first placed themselves on a platform on a key issue. In the summer of 2018, after Fidesz again acquired a two-thirds majority, it implemented an amendment to the Basic Law.

The Civil Cooperation Forum (CÖF) poster at Fifty-Six in Budapest Square on December 7, 2016. The image is embraced by Gábor Vona, President Jobbik, and President Ferenc Gyurcsány, DK, by a well-known clown from the previous poster campaign, and the inscription proclaims: “They met! Together they said no to an anti-immigration constitutional amendment “Photo: Gábor Szabó – Origo

Before the 2018 elections, DK tried to exclude Jobbik from left-wing cooperation. His initiative was successful, although at that time even Gábor Vona did not want to cooperate with the repeatedly failed left-wing parties. As is well known, the left parties were more concerned with scapegoating for not sitting at the negotiating table a few months before the elections. Although Gyurcsány had called Jobbik unacceptable a few days earlier, he also called Gábor Vona to a negotiating table.

HOW GÁBORÉK TRAIN DID NOT ACCEPT THE INVITATION AT THAT TIME, REFERRING TO GYURCSÁNY. After the 2018 parliamentary elections, Jobbik gradually merged into the DK-led left-wing alliance. Memorable, Tamás Sneider after his election as president, the party was dissolved several times. However, the former president also affirmed at the end of last year that a joint list with Ferenc Gyurcsány would mean the defeat of the entire opposition. Like it or not, this must be taken into account. After his election in January of this year Jakab Péter he even said:
I CANNOT COMMIT WITH FERENC GYURCSÁNY. In fact, Márton GyöngyösiAccording to the vice president of the party, the MEP, Jakab asked for the confidence of the members in the re-election congress and said that it was inconceivable to be on a list with Ferenc Gyurcsány.

Confirming this in his March interview with hvg, Jakab explained that I would not be on a list with Ferenc Gyurcsány.

Márton Gyöngyösi himself criticized the DK president when he told the LMP close to LMP that “GYURCSÁNY IS AN OBSTACLE TO A COMMON LIST THAN MARRIAGE.”

At the same time, Gyöngyösi was in conflict with himself on several occasions in relation to the Gyurcsánys.

In May 2018, Márton Gyöngyösi responded to the question about cooperation with left-wing parties saying that “In light of the outcome, something definitely needs to change.” He later made this happen and brought something that no one at Jobbik had ever done before.
We work not only with Gyurcsány, the devil’s grandmother, if necessary – made a statement in January 2019, in which he made it clear that
THE RIGHT HAS COME FROM THE LEFT, REVEALING ITS VOTERS AND ITS OWN BYLAWS. As some lines were discussed, there were signs. Shortly after the serious failure, Péter Jakab, who at that time was only a party spokesman, gave a joint interview in the Hungarian Orange with the anarchist face of the radical left, the dialogue Borde Tordaiwith. After this, it is not surprising that the ideological transformation has also started at the lower levels.

When the two (?) Extremes meetSource: FACEBOOK

Although the left parties ran on a separate list in the EU elections last May, Jobbik, led by Tamás Sneider, fully associated himself with the left for municipal elections. Gratitude is not a political genre: a few months later, in January, the party chairman in charge of the coalition was removed from the party’s presidency. Disappointed, he reacted, adding another twist to his career by a joint list with Ferenc Gyurcsány would mean the defeat of the entire opposition. Like it or not, this must be taken into account.

Instead the one who arrived was Péter Jakab, who was a committed supporter of total upheaval, Jobbik’s ideological desideology, and was now on Ferenc Gyurcsány’s list.

This was to be expected, Jakab also noted on the ATV last week: “I also believe in the strength of the opposition because I can see how much Jobbik and the other opposition parties have changed, and the change can be summed up in our ability to compromise. “.

In a word, like a hundred, as expected, Jobbik finally relented and joined the Gyurcsánys in the hope of some parliamentary seats.

As Viktor Orban The prime minister said months ago: leftists grind on Soros’s sausage, which is represented by the common list led by Ferenc Gyurcsány.
