All transportable, moderate or critical coronavirus patients are brought to Budapest


On Friday, the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases of the Central Hospital of Plagas del Sur and the National Institute of Early Pulmonology attend patients with moderate, critically ill and transportable coronaviruses, according to their capacity. Müller Cecília registered by the Medical Director and Miklós Kásler from a letter approved by the Minister of Human Resources, which was described by

According to this, patients with coronavirus who are in serious or critical condition should be transported from all over the country to these two institutions.

The article employee Kunetz Zsombor specialist, writes a health expert, any movement of the patient, much less a car due to a CT scan to the adjacent building, is considered risky.

Critically ill patients should only be transported if warranted. A justified case means that there is no diagnostic or therapeutic option available in the prior care setting that would be necessary for recovery.

– He added that the new provision, on the other hand, provides for transportation to patients, even when the previous reason is not the case.

He also writes, complicating the situation, that according to current regulations, the patient can only be transported by land, so the patient must be gutted in half the country. Air travel, that is, helicopter transport, is not planned for patients infected with COVID.

Kunetz said it would not be a futile intention to concentrate patients in a few institutions at the current stage of the epidemic so that previously emptied beds could be delivered to other uncrowned patients. But it is completely incomprehensible why all coronavirus patients should be brought to Budapest, when there are well-equipped and empty hospitals and hospital wards in the field, he added.

Featured Image: Márton Mohos /
