All Italians lost 930 thousand guilders to the coronavirus


Italians lost 2,600 euros last year due to the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis, writes MTI. At the current exchange rate, this is almost 930 thousand HUF.

According to a study published on Saturday by the Italian trade organization CGIA, the country’s gross domestic product fell 9.9 percent in 2020 due to the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis, which cost the country’s citizens 2,600 euros per head. .

The Italian government expects economic growth of 4.1 percent by 2021. According to the CGIA, the country’s gross domestic product will return to pre-crisis levels in 2024.

The trade organization estimates that household consumption fell 101 billion euros last year, 10.5% more than in 2019.

According to the study, investment fell 13.6 percent in Italy last year and is expected to grow 7.2 percent next year. Exports fell 16.7 percent last year and are expected to grow 10.3 percent next year.

Featured image: People wearing protective masks due to the coronary epidemic are doing their Christmas shopping in Milan on December 19, 2020. As a result of the severe restrictions previously imposed due to the coronavirus epidemic, some restrictions have been lifted in Lombardy, but a total closure is ordered for ten days of year-end holidays, with a full-day curfew throughout Italy. MTI / ANSA / EPA / Matteo Corner
