Alarming news about the coronavirus emerged: a mutation was found


In some countries, a new genetic mutation in the coronavirus is spreading that could be more contagious or cause more fatal diseases than the original version. Researchers are trying at a furious pace to find out if the threat has increased.

Professionals must learn a new code on the coronavirus: 20A.EU1, reveals an article in the Financial Times.

This marks a genetic mutation in the virus that is found in agricultural workers in Spain and has spread rapidly in Europe since the summer. In many countries, this causes the majority of coronavirus illnesses. Investigators still don’t know whether the new version has rendered screening procedures at airports and other transportation hubs ineffective.

Even more concerning, however, is that the research team of Swiss and Spanish scientists who discovered the mutation still don’t know if it poses a greater death threat than the original coronavirus or if it is more contagious. One thing is certain: 20A.EU1 differs from the original Sars-Cov-2 virus in such a way that a similar change has not yet been observed. A previously discovered version of the original virus, dubbed D614G, which sounds good, turned out to be more infectious than the base virus.

The researchers concluded that the mutation was facilitated by the careless behavior of tourists arriving in Spain in the summer, such as vomiting on the social distance rule and not changing their careless attitude even after returning home.

Infections now account for more than 80 percent of infections in the UK, about 80 percent in Spain, 60 percent in Ireland, and 40 to 40 percent in Switzerland and France.
