Ákos Hadházy unveils details of scandalous case of leftist candidate in Borsod


After the leaders of left-wing parties parted ways with Ákos Hadházy in a joint statement describing the László Bíró seamstress scandal as a case of corruption, the politician revealed lesser-known details of the story. Based on published evidence, it appears that he was right, not Ferenc Gyurcsány. After the left-wing candidate’s cooperative in Borsod to help underprivileged members seized 50 million guilders of EU funds, he used them for more or less strange purposes and spent the money (some of it) on more companies. or less strange. Hadházy is expected to file a complaint. Gyurcsány, Fekete-Győr and Jakab Péter claim that Hadházy did not tell them, but Hadházy claims otherwise.

“For my part, I will close the László Bíró case for a while, with the fact that I will probably file a complaint. I sincerely await and hope that the opposition parties will review their opinion on the case after reading all the documents in detail. It already has, but we will still have to talk about it “- former director of the LMP with these thoughts he closed his thoughts in his post on Thursday. With his writing, he is expected to launch another avalanche to the left after the by-elections in Borsod: In his post, he explored the judge’s case from a new light, backing up his previous claims.

He was criticized until he guessed

Pub Ákos Hadházy heard the campaign citing the interests of the left Judge László However, on the eve of the elections, he described the circumstances of the bankruptcy of the social cooperative Hegyalja-Mix, previously managed by the leftist candidate, a 50 million HUF corruption case. The method as a “social cooperative” characterized, according to him, the case “would have been adequate to illustrate a corruption report. “In other words, after the publication of the election results

the former co-president of the LMP accused Borsod’s leftist candidate, László Bíró, of corruption.

The situation was compounded by the fact that he claimed to have informed the leaders of the left-wing party of all this. Because of this, it got hot and cold: first Jakab Péter Speaking with Origo, President Jobbik, and shortly after, the LMP co-chairs refuted Hadházy’s claim that he had approached them on the matter. Then came the others, which ended when on Tuesday, the chairmen of left-wing parties made a joint statement to their left-wing counterpart. In his opinion, Hadházy did not give any indication and based on the information available, László Bíró had no cases of corruption.

Briefly about the alleged corruption case of the leftist candidate

As is known, the campaign for the by-elections in Tiszaújváros-Szerencs, and presumably its final result, was fundamentally determined by the scandal of the seamstress László Bíró, supported by the left-wing parties. In short, the case, after the old Bíró company, the Hegyalja-Mix Social Cooperative, received 50 million state aid around 2014-2015, went bankrupt a year later under suspicious circumstances, with a significant debt.

With a break in business for a few months, between August 2013 and May 2016, the left-wing politician held a high-level position, which is important because the company was in decline when he left. It is no coincidence that he looted the company from a businessman under whom businesses consecutively went bankrupt, and people registered in dilapidated and uninhabited houses entered the supervisory board. It was then that the Judge was accused of disappearing his debts and businesses with the help of stroma (s).

Ákos HadházySource: MTI / Tamás Sóki

Attack from another front: Péter Márki-Zay Defense judge in the electoral evaluator of the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, affirmed that sthe guilt of the leftist candidate has not been proven until then. For this reason, according to him, until documents proving the contrary are presented, László Bíró should be considered innocent. “SIt is still not a sin for me to participate in EU tenders for self-interest, to develop their own property for office development, to employ acquaintances or relatives in addition to themselves, or to buy used equipment for private purposes, as long as this is not contrary to the law or bidding rules “ He explained.

After increasing pressure on Hadházy from the left, he predicted in an interview with Immediate that if Judge came in, he would make public documents supporting his allegations. Shortly after a detailed article appeared in 444 on the practice of the “cooperative” and the specific case, in which Hadházy was one of the speakers. That’s not the end of the story: The radical left-wing politician released more details about the seamstress scandal on his community side Thursday, a question of whether he asked Judge about it, as he had previously promised.

Five-point rebuttal for “distant relative”

“A a catholic with a lot of neck “, he affirmed in his answer to Márki-Zay, the left only has the possibility of winning an election if figures like László Bíró have no role in the alliance. He agrees” joh friend, relative ”that pre-election is needed in the districts, precisely so that a situation like the current one does not arise.

Hadházy reflected on Judge László Márki-Zay’s apology in five points, which, according to his writing, is more reminiscent of the way of thinking of his political opponents. According to him, the presumption of innocence is an important legal principle, but at the same time it is suitable for postponing legal responsibility for 8-10 years. Nor did he accept the explanation that Judge’s social cooperative operated legally. “SUBWAYprice or a hundred years, even the biggest pigs are doing it legally “ – justified. Nor did he agree with his “good friend, distant relative” that It is an excusable sin for someone to use EU money for a public purpose (in this case, to raise up the poorest) in a way that benefits their family. It is a great danger if we start to relativize our own actions “ – the fourth point was made, reflecting Mr. Mark’s argument that Judges have not received as much EU funding for themselves compared to others.

Péter Márki-Zay apologized to the leftist candidate in Borsod for his alleged corruption case. Ákos Hadházy did not leave without a word,Source: MTI / Balázs Mohai

He then referred to the specific and suspected cases of corruption of the leftist candidate in Borsod. As is clear from his writing, this was encouraged by yesterday’s statement by Ágnes Vadai, representative of DK. The representative of Ferenc Gyurcsány told the ATV that this was not an interesting matter, as Hadházy did not present any evidence. “If that had been the case, hundreds of millions of florins would have been spent on me.” – The left-wing politician wrote irritably, who also revealed that after his “oral communication” yesterday he sent the relevant documents to both Márki-Zay and the left-wing politicians.

The evidence came to light

In its current publication, it has added some particularly interesting additions to its previous article 444. As noted, the cooperative’s memorandum of association states that the judges cut off the project (and therefore requested EU funding) with the aim of creating jobs for their “disadvantaged members.”

Source: Facebook

According to Hadházy, it is highly questionable how disadvantaged the founders of the cooperative are: the founding members of the company. the address of the apartment of a lawyer who was registered in the apartment on the most expensive and elegant boulevard in Budapest, Andrássy út. Not to mention that One of the founding couples also has a vacation home on the island of Rhodes, highlights the leftist politician.

Source: Facebook

Nothing shows that they applied for better self-interest than to use the help they received to pack washing powder for production at their other businesses. “If they wanted to get support for this, they would have had to apply directly, not lie that they were socially disadvantaged people dreaming of a bagging plant for themselves.” He explained why this solution was illegal, adding that it took the opportunity away from people living in real deep poverty. Because the fifty million subsidy

  • a minority went to salaries, from which wealthy founders also benefited;
  • and most of it went to more bizarre purposes, or to various companies (including his own);
  • five million received for public insurance of his own company, for marketing of a mysterious company in Budapest, five million for project management.
  • Bíró’s own company, Hunola Kft., Invoiced, the politician received a monthly salary of 200 thousand for the management
  • According to Hadházy, it is even worse that 2.8 million were paid for “business consulting” to a company called Roboáni Kft .: In 2015, the company billed 100 million with a sudden nil profit from zero, and then disappeared;
  • 1.2 million were also paid for business advice to Not Jam Fit Kft., Which operates a fitness room.
  • They rented a plant from the director of a local savings cooperative for 300,000 a month, built a security device for 800,000, renovated the room for 10 million with EU money and left it all after a year. The value of the assets of the director of the savings cooperative thus increased by 11 million from EU funds intended for the poorest. Of this money, p. Eg 100 really disadvantaged children could have received a scholarship of 100,000 HUF, writes Hadházy.

All of this is revealing, as is the fact that Hadházy was silent on the serious case of alleged corruption until election night. According to HírTv, István Tényi went to the Prosecutor’s Office for not reporting a crime of corruption. A spokesman for the Central Prosecutor’s Office informed the television channel that the decision on the petition would be made within three days.

The question remains, if Ákos Hadházy really informed the presidents of the left-wing party, then why did Ferenc Gyurcsány, András Fekete-Győr, Gergely Karácsony, Péter Jakab, Bertalan Tóth and Ágnes Kunhalmi do nothing?
