Again, there is an alteration in the vaccination system.


While the government will apparently continue to build mass vaccines in GPs for the near future, the system is still not working perfectly.

The GPs reporting to the newsletter say that they will not be notified if someone has been vaccinated at a vaccination point after an SMS notification. They can look it up one by one at the EESC, but only if they look at the patient one by one. However, they do not have the capacity to do so, so patients are informed about vaccinations.

One of them put it this way, so they are trying to select as Cinderella from the list the patients they can vaccinate. The vaccine can only be given to those who are on the list, the show said.

According to the report, GPs and those who inject vaccines will also record the vaccination in the EGTC system, that is, in the cloud, in theory, it should be possible to see who has been vaccinated.

However, the general practitioners who inform the journalist find that

system data is not merged.

According to a GP, the government office does not verify the data entered into the system, so the list of people waiting to be vaccinated is not updated correctly. You get the same list week after week, expanded with a few names. Thus, a patient from the center who received the vaccine is also on the list.

The GP practicing in Báránd has indicated to the government office that he will receive a list of those who live in his area and have registered for vaccination through several pages. In this list, x-begs the names that have been vaccinated, but the same list is always returned to the GP from the government office, expanded by 1-2 names. Therefore, for each list submitted, you have to go through the list over and over again to see who vaccinated, who was vaccinated, who is still waiting. It doesn’t happen that your GP is given a daily or weekly name that says 5 on the next page, from where you can see who’s next to get the vaccine. Yesterday he signaled to the government office that a list would be sent once.

and their names are out of stock, there is no one who can be vaccinated because they do not receive new names.

However, you also know that many more of your patients are registered and are already interested in knowing when they can get vaccinated. But until you get a list with the name of the person concerned, you cannot just vaccinate anyone with any vaccine, or even send it to a vaccination point.

Meanwhile, also reports interesting anomalies in relation to vaccination lists. More and more cases are reported to the portal when it was learned that despite the fact that someone had registered for the vaccine months ago, it still does not appear on the list of those who will be vaccinated. There are also quite a few people who are on a GP’s list in such a way that they do not really belong to that district and therefore cannot receive their vaccination.

Tamás Gáspár Koronczi, general practitioner from Ostopan, says that more and more people indicate that they registered in December-January, mostly over 50 years old, and do not appear among those registered, while I suggested parents of 18 years . list.

What about lagging health workers?

Meanwhile, another report from the channel revealed that a dentist who asked for his name to be withheld subsequently registered to be vaccinated, but has not been vaccinated to date. No matter what you call any of the vaccines, there you will get the answer that they are no longer vaccinating healthcare workers, this is only possible with a GP. Here, however, the order is based only on the official record, they will not be taken in advance. Two other outpatient health professionals also complained about this. One of them has been trying to get vaccinated for three weeks, but is hitting a wall everywhere. He had not been able to get vaccinated before because he had been previously infected with a coronavirus infection.

Ms. András Bencsik, vice president of the Independent Health Union, told the channel that health workers no longer receive the vaccine out of shift. All hospitals must register and submit the list to the National Center for Public Health on Thursdays. However, Müller Cecília even said in his March 3 report that they should visit the vaccination points because they can receive the vaccine from any vaccination point. On the same day, the national medical director wrote a letter to vaccines stating that

a health worker requesting vaccination must be received immediately or as soon as possible.

The Coronavir Press Center responded to the channel that the person could request an appointment at the hospital vaccination points, where the requests would be summarized and the vaccine requirement for vaccination would be sent to the county vaccination teams.

Cover image source: MTI / Attila Balázs
