After the defeat, President András Heisler Mazsihisz apologizes for the anti-Semitic candidate in Borsod


The left failed miserably in Borsod, where the anti-Semite László Bíró was nominated in the by-elections. Judge had previously become known for calling Budapest Judapest, calling Israeli tourists lice, but he had also threatened to kill its workers. The left fully supported Bíró, and even Gergely Karácsony, the mayor of Budapest, traveled to Borsod for the campaign. What’s even more surprising is that Andras Heisler, the president of Mazsihisz, didn’t mind all of this either. It turned out that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán considers the Mazsihisz president’s action weak and indecisive, which was also drafted by Origo according to Mandiner’s information. They were visibly scared by this (and Sunday’s loss) because Mazsihisz issued an explanatory statement in which they tried to apologize.

The left thus suffered a serious defeat during the weekend in the by-elections in Borsod, where László Bíró, an openly anti-Semitic politician, was elected. Earlier, Origo also wrote that several left-wing intellectuals had protested against this, but the left had not chosen another candidate. And they could have since, after the scandal that broke out in August, they would still have had a long time to find a new candidate before the nomination deadline of September 4.

Slomó Köves, leader of the United Jewish Community of Hungary (EMIH), immediately condemned László Bíró as soon as the politician’s anti-Semitic demonstrations became evident.

László Bíró, the anti-Semitic candidate on the left, also threatened to kill his own employees.Source: Hungarian Nation

He added that László Bíró’s unacceptable remarks were not surprising, but he was concerned that his supporters would inadvertently legitimize anti-Semitism. The head of the EMIH also said that public actors are expected to do the opposite to this type of demonstration.

However, Ágnes Kunhalmi, the co-chair of the MSZP, along with Gergely Karácsony, the mayor of Budapest, decided that instead of condemning Judge, they decided to be selfish towards him and did everything they could to get a politician to threaten to kill him. shots at your own employees. Gergely Karácsony obviously went to Borsod to campaign a day after the elections because he expected László Bíró to win and tried to squeeze a small part of himself from the expected success. But it was not a success, it was a failure.

András Heisler, president of Mazsihisz, was also not strongly opposed to anti-Semitism, and one of the reasons for this, of course, is that Mazsihisz is increasingly intertwined with the (political) left.

In August, after Judge’s nomination, Mandiner asked Mazsihist if he would consider replacing the right-wing candidate in place of the left-wing parties after it became clear what statements he had made in 2018, but they were unable to provide a clear answer. According to the newspaper, Viktor Orbán considers that Mazsihisz’s reaction was weak and indecisive, Furthermore, according to the Prime Minister, Heisler should have clearly asked the left parties not to support a candidate who paints Judas and slides lice,

the newspaper learned from circles close to the prime minister. So it turned out about Mazsihisz and András Heisler, and they can no longer hide the fact that, in fact, supporters of the radical left are ready to give up all moral and moral aspects if they see a slightest chance of victory. As we have written several times: the left is really capable of anything for money and power.

András Heisler, president of the Association of Jewish Communities of Hungary (Mazsihisz).Source: MTI / Balázs Mohai

András Heisler is now afraid that the Prime Minister will hold László Bíró responsible and tried to apologize in a statement. It was written that within Mazsihisz there is “a clear consensus that we do not want to interfere in the political affairs of the parties.” However, they were only trying to interfere in the election result by not defending their own community due to the leftist candidate’s statements.

Their own communication is also contradictory, as they write at the beginning that:

“(Mazsihisz) regularly forms opinions on public policy and social issues that directly affect Hungarian Jews, especially regarding specific anti-Semitic phenomena and memory policy issues.”

Later, it is reported that they did not want to form an opinion in the Judge’s case, as they already considered it a “partisan political issue”, although it was clearly an anti-Semitic phenomenon when he judged and spoke of his dog buying it when the “lice left slips “. in front of your house.

Although the statement indicates that they were relieved that László Bíró had been removed from the Fidesz candidate, Zsófia Koncz, it was not really their job not to choose the leftist candidate.
