After Tamás Deutsch, the other Fidesz MEPs can also be suspended


It is increasingly likely that there will soon be a rift between the European People’s Party (EPP) group in the European Parliament and Fidesz MEPs, Népszava writes. According to the document, at the meeting of the PPE Bureau on Friday, a decision was made to modify the Rules to allow the exclusion and suspension of groups, which is currently not possible.

The final text is not yet available, but it can be completed quickly and can even be adopted next Wednesday. They do not expect a long debate in the EPP because there is broad consensus around the draft.

In the future, however, exclusion will no longer require a simple majority, but two-thirds. Unless you are a member of a party that has already been expelled or suspended. In other words, Fidesz deputies could be expelled or suspended with up to 50 percent of the vote plus one vote.

Tamás Deutsch he was suspended after he made a gesture regarding the faction leader Manfred Weber. The MEP apologized in vain, suspended, and according to sources from the EPP of Népszava, Fidesz MEPs could also suffer this fate once the bill is approved.

Suspended MPs would not be able to occupy positions in either the EP or the political group, take on the role of rapporteurs and receive financial support from the political group. But, contrary to previous proposals, they would not be deprived of the opportunity to speak in committees and in plenary, because it would be a legally challengeable measure.

László Trócsányi In the heat of a heated debate on Friday morning, he said he would sue the People’s Party in the European Court of Justice if Fidesz were excluded.
