After six months of TB debt, you must also pay for emergency care.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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Although the government has promised the exact opposite, a decree issued by the Human Resources Ministry in late August says that those who accumulate six months of debt due to tuberculosis must pay for emergency care. Last December, the ruling majority in the National Assembly approved the new TB Law, which establishes that those who do not pay contributions cannot access benefits. The amendment to the legislation was then considered transparent and secure by the government. Norbert Izer, Secretary of State for Taxes in the Ministry of Finance, declared to the Hungarian nation:

“The new provisions do not affect emergency care: everyone has the right to be rescued in Hungary, regardless of their citizenship or the existence of a medical insurance relationship. In other words, no one can be left without care. “

But you can stay. Those who accumulate TB debts six months after July also have to pay for emergency care, the director general of the National Health Insurance Fund warned in an online conference for IME magazine, according to a report by Népszava. The Emmi decree gives so much relief to the neighbors that it is enough to pay after the intervention, and the amount has been maximized at 750 thousand florins. Zsolt Kiss added: The new social security law has been in effect since July, and the tax office has been monitoring it for the next six months.

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