After Christmas, restrictions will be tightened in Austria


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As of December 26, the Austrian government will tighten access restrictions, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced on Friday. From the day after Christmas to mid-January, non-essential shops, restaurants, hotels will be closed, there will be no cultural and sporting events and only online teaching. And on December 27, the government imposed a total curfew of 24 hours for one day. Sebastian Kurz said

“It is my great request of all not to meet with anyone after December 26.”Starting the day after Christmas, the three-phase plan will begin, at the end of which the government hopes that life in Austria can return to normal. The first phase will be rigorous from December 26, which will run until mid-January, approximately January 18, at which time another round of massive testing will take place. Anyone who has a negative test will be able to move more freely from there and students will be able to return to school. However, for those who do not want to participate in the mass testing, the tracking restrictions will last another week and even then they will only be able to go outside or shop with an FFP2 mask.

During the second phase, that is, from the second half of January, restaurants, hotels and cultural venues can reopen, but guests will have to check the results of their tests and the police will be able to control anyone anywhere and anytime.The government has also decided to introduce mandatory tests for healthcare workers, teachers, teachers, hairdressers, shop assistants and construction workers.

The government’s goal is to keep the daily moving average of infections below 100 per 100,000 people, which is currently 205 people. In Austria, the number of deaths caused by the coronavirus surpassed 5,000 on Friday, and 145 people died from the infection in one day. On Friday, the Austrian authorities knew a total of 2,058 people.

2020 was an extraordinary year. The coronavirus epidemic and the deepening economic crisis in its wake have put us all to the test, and the government has also used this dire crisis to further strengthen its already unprecedented power.

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