Additional significant amounts of flu vaccines have been ordered and can be vaccinated continuously.


They can make vaccines all the time, said the national medical director. At the operational court briefing on Wednesday, it was also stated that a very serious epidemic had developed in a nursing home in Veszprém county.

The national medical director, Cecília Müller, presented the latest epidemiological data published on Wednesday morning. According to this, at home 2,291 new cases were registered authorities, increasing the number of infected people to 65,933. The majority of 43 deaths were chronically elderly patients, bringing the death toll to 1,578. The national medical chief also highlighted that 17,098 have already been cured and 47,257 are actively infected. 27 percent of the actively infected, 35 percent of the victims and 28 percent of those recovered are from Budapest. There are currently 3,166 patients undergoing coronavirus treatment at the hospital, 263 of whom are on respirators.

We are seeing an increase in the number of hospital admissions as the number of infections increases, he noted.

Defense goes according to plan, medical care is prepared The national medical director stated and added that they would receive the highest level of care they require. Everything is at our disposal, he added. He listed, among other things, personal and material conditions.

According to Cecília Müller, the ambulance service has the information and tools to decide who needs what treatment and where. This is very important because there is a health care overload in many parts of the world. This is not the case in Hungary, because we prepare on time, in advance, he said.

The national medical director also refuted a fake story posted on left-wing news portals and drew attention to the fact that people were viewing authentic news sources, including the official government information page ( and the NNK website. According to him, there is still a lot of tension, there is no need for “unnecessary excitement”.

Disinfection of educational institutions continues to progress as planned and the military is also helping some schools, he said.

Our testing capacity is also constantly growing The national medical director said, adding that the National Blood Supply Center is now also involved in laboratory testing. The number of tests carried out already exceeds one million, Cecília Müller repeated.

There is currently an extraordinary hiatus in 73 kindergartens, he said.

Social institutions are constantly monitored to ensure that the virus does not enter them, he continued.

Currently, 96 of the 1,600 institutions are affected by coronavirus. There are 6 of these that were also affected in the spring. Only 6 percent of those seen were infected with the coronavirus, he said. There are currently two institutions where the virus is strongly present.

There has been an increased demand for a free flu vaccine. He explained, adding that the supply was continuous.

They typically commit to vaccinating 10 to 15 patients a day in doctors’ offices to prevent them from developing, he stressed.

Significant quantities of additional vaccines have been ordered, so the care will be continuous in the coming days, said the national medical director. There are currently 104,000 vaccines available. The vaccine will be there in practices, pediatricians will be able to start vaccination next week, he added.

It takes two more weeks after vaccination for protection to develop, the flu period only peaks later, so there is plenty of time for people to get vaccinated, he said.

IllustrationPhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

Kiss Robert, Deputy Head of the Guard Center of the operational strain responsible for controlling the coronavirus epidemic He said new epidemiological measures were announced yesterday. The police lieutenant colonel described the rules in detail, which can be read in the Hungarian Gazette.

Róbert Kiss emphasized that the penalties for violating epidemiological rules and wearing a mask have been toughened. We ask everyone to follow the rules, ”he said.

In the last 24 hours violation of epidemiological protection measures so the police had to act in 68 cases.

In shops and public institutions since the legislation came into force, 1,354 people have been prosecuted for not wearing the mask correctly; the daily number of cases was the last 56 and the police reported 7 people.

The lieutenant colonel explained, since the introduction of epidemiological preparation on September 21, so far 2050 cases measures have been taken that violate safety regulations, of which 1073 cases were reported.

A in breach of traffic rules In relation to this, the police had to initiate 29 measures yesterday, of which 1 case was a warning and 28 cases a fine on the spot.

There are currently 26,678 official home quarantine, 1170 were registered for the mobile phone application for control.

In response to a question from a national chief physician, Cecília Müller said that the latest suggestions from the Hungarian Medical Chamber were being examined. We will review and analyze each proposal, thank you for your cooperation, he said.

A large number of positive people were certified at the Csabrendek Social Institution in Veszprém county, 55 patients and 214 caregivers were infected. There are diseases in only one of the sites, he explained. There will be a need for constant monitoring, he added.

Woman with mask on a street in Budapest (illustration)Photo: Sándor Csudai – Origo

We wrote before:

Wednesday’s data revealed that there are 47,257 active infections in Hungary, so they have not yet recovered. There are 3,166 hospitalized coronavirus patients, 263 of whom are on ventilators.

Operations staff said in the morning that extraordinary recesses were currently ordered at 73 kindergartens and that schools would be disinfected during the fall recess.

In an interview with Origo, Béla Merkely, rector of the University of Semmelweis, said that testing of the first coronavirus vaccines could be completed in November and that vaccination would begin in Europe in December.
