Ádám Sztankay is nostalgic on Danube TV


Ádám Sztankay will make his presenter debut on Danube TV next week as a partner of Dorottya Radványi. The Origo journalist will appreciate the most exciting moments of Hungarian culture on television.

According to Bors’s article, Dorottya and Adam have been good friends since childhood, thanks to their parents.

– My father, István Sztankay and my mother were fine with Dorottya’s parents. We grew up together, joint vacations, guests, trips accompanied our childhood Sztankay told Bors. The journalist also revealed that although the request was unexpected, Dorottya’s professionalism was a guarantee of her success. As you said, you have loved this show so far because it represents what is appropriate to do for the sake of the national culture.

Gildi Hilda, Márkus László around the table

“I’m lucky because the actors got together a lot more at that time. Tamás Major, Hilda Gobbi or László Márkus were my regular guests.

To this day, I have a very old coffee table from my father’s house where these people have been sitting. If someone comes, I always apologize for being in really bad shape compared to the rest of the apartment, but when they find out who sat there decades ago, it will immediately be the most beautiful part of the apartment, said Adam, who was able to recall his memories of the childhood in his first program.

Artists in a bathing suit is the title of the episode that will be screened on September 6 and the guests will be explored with the issue of whether the actor can leave his profession in a bathing suit.
