Ádám Szabó announced dramatic news, suffers severe pain


Ádám Szabó also contracted the coronavirus. The singer was struck by the news, mainly because he wanted to hold an online concert just over the weekend.

Adam she reported her condition on her community page and also wrote a few lines about her symptoms.

I am / am positive, that is, I am a covid. I am very sad that I would have announced today that there will be an online concert on Friday, a huge joy and happiness, but this shit will also ruin it … I’m fine, I feel a strong burning pain in my back and belly. , I cough a little, but that’s it …On the other hand, I ask for your support and I wish you much strength and perseverance for those who have a harder time surviving this virus and are in a much worse condition. I feel like I have run away and so far I really don’t feel almost anything that is unbearable, but there are many in hospitals and in a much worse situation, they really need strength and faith! And your family and friends too! Perseverance everyone, take care of each other, this is not a game! You can rest a minimum of 10 days at home, but anyway I will apply, I will also live, and then you will have music! I love you! Adam wrote.

I am / am positive, that is, I am a covid. I am very sad because today I would have announced that there will be a … on Friday

Posted by Ádám Szabó on Wednesday, March 3, 2021
