According to Viktor Orbán, you have to protect yourself against the coronavirus in such a way that it does not stop during the farm


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“It is not enough to defend ourselves well in terms of the number of diseases and deaths, it is not enough, but in the meantime we must maintain the functioning of countries and economies,” said Viktor Orbán at a joint press conference on the strategy to apply in the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic.

He explained that the maintenance of the functioning of the economy must be solved mainly by everyone in their own country, but then it is also worth following this line within the framework of Central European economic cooperation.. The prime minister also said that the V4s want to establish a coordination system that allows consultations in one hour in the fight against the epidemic.

It seems that in the second wave, Hungary no longer wants to take strict restrictive measures, it will use the so-called selective protection against the epidemic, that is, it will act where the epidemic has occurred and will not make the general rules binding on everyone (there are some exceptions, such as the masking rules). However, at present, selective regulation is not too strict, and even general but inexpensive rules (such as wearing masks) are tightened only a few weeks after the second wave breaks out. It is also clear from the previous words of Viktor Orbán that we are trying to escape from the second wave with the least possible economic damage, therefore closures and restrictions on the mobility of the population are not expected.

The second wave of the coronavirus epidemic also appears to be extremely aggressive, with the number of illnesses increasing around the world, he said, adding that he is convinced that the speed of government responses will be a key factor in the coming months. Viktor Orbán also said that he would like the enthusiasm of the V4s not to go away despite the epidemic. “We must continue to pursue the development potential of our economies” to make the region the most livable region in Europe and for the disadvantages of communism to disappear, he said, “we do not want to give up this goal in times of epidemic. Sem”.

Regarding the situation in Belarus, which was also the subject of the Lublin conciliation, the Prime Minister said that Hungary supports Poland’s efforts and welcomes the Polish proposal proposing an economic pillar of strategic cooperation with Belarus. “Democracy is important, human rights are important, but demanding this will not be enough, more is needed, a strategic approach, and the Polish proposal aims to do it today,” he said. He added that in a few weeks it could reach the military security tranche of the great post-economy strategic proposal, but that this would require a meeting of the European Council, because it goes beyond the scope of the V4s.

Cover image: Getty Images
