According to Viktor Orbán, there will be enough vaccines in a few days to attend the inauguration


When it comes to vaccinating we always think of nurses and doctors, although we should also think of loaders, pilots, drivers, material editors, since vaccination can start with their work, said Viktor Viktor Orbán in his Facebook video on Easter Sunday .

“This work is done every dawn. It is still the case today, and we have a good chance that if things go well tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there will be the 2.5 million vaccine on the first day or two after Easter.” said the prime minister.

In an interview Wednesday night, the prime minister spoke of this degree of vaccination as the milestone where gradual relaxation could begin. Schools are scheduled to reopen by vaccinating teachers first, and then restrictions can be lifted. According to the plans known so far, the start of the curfew will be postponed until 10:00 p.m., and there may be a barrier of entry of square meters in the stores.

Viktor Orbán, on the other hand, called openness a misleading term in that conversation, because it does not mean the complete lifting of restrictions.
