According to Vidnyánszky, Amnesty International trained some of the students protesting against her


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“We have received news that Amnesty International is helping protesters to organize, and already in the summer a camp has prepared some students for what is happening now,” Attila Vidnyánszky, from the University of Theater Arts told Origó on Friday. y Cinematográfica (SZFE) to the foundation. ), President of the Board of Trustees, Director of the National Theater.

In the interview, he called the protest an “incredible political game,” which erupted after not a single person nominated by the university entered the board of directors and the Senate was deprived of its basic powers.

AttilaVidnyánszky delivers a speech at the indigenous grafted apple tree planting ceremony related to the National Theater’s Wass Albert performance on February 27, 2020Photo: Tibor Illyés / MTI / MTVA

“It is quite grotesque how the level of my hatred brings people together. They came together so that together they could hate me, ”said Vidnyánszky, who said he would resign if he saw that it was an obstacle to the agreement, to the consolidation. But he doesn’t see it that way.

In August, Vidnyánszky said of the protest that “a network and a power with a very serious international background, a liberal circle, is being organized.”

The building on SZFE Vas Street was occupied by students, the start of the school year was postponed for the time being, and university workers went on strike. Students want to get an answer to their demands from the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, the Board is not considered legitimate. Therefore, a letter was requested from the Minister to remove the members of the Board and restore the conditions of education.

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