According to the Slovenian prime minister, another country could leave the EU there.


Janez Janša The Slovenian prime minister wrote to EU leaders calling for compliance with the agreement reached at the July EU summit on the EU framework budget for the next seven years and the recovery fund, which he said that the European Council and the European Parliament had undermined by making payment of money conditional on the rule of law. the MTI writes with reference to the local press.

Among other things Ursula von der Leyen the President of the Commission and Charles Michelnek. “Slovenia supports the rule of law in all cases … without conditions or double standards,” added the Slovenian prime minister.

Politico also provided details of the four-page letter, in which the Slovenian prime minister expressed his concerns about the future of the EU with an allegory. He wrote that the EU is now a convoy of ships sailing on a stormy sea, with reefs and icebergs rising in front of it, and ignoring the historic agreement reached in July is like arguing over a menu on a ship heading towards an iceberg.

And if the Union sticks to the rule of law mechanism, “we can only wait for the next ship to leave the convoy.” Although Jansa did not mention which countries he thought might leave the union link there, he was obviously referring to Hungary and Poland.

This is the wall Orbán went to

The union’s resolution of unmanageable political conflicts has failed and the Hungarian prime minister may lose the goodwill of many with his veto.

Image: AFP
