According to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, people are not interested in Szijjártó’s yacht because they know they have a job thanks to him.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

The Secretary of State for Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs resolved the case of Péter Szijjártó’s vacation on an ATV on Monday morning. Among other things, Tamás Menczer answered the question that

  • What did the foreign minister pay for the yacht?
  • Did you pay for it or receive it as a gift?
  • Is there corruption in the case?
  • and why not?

Tamás Menczer finally put it in context and at the same time closed the misfortune around the holidays.


Györgyi Szöllősi: I’m not curious about his private life, but I’m curious about what the Secretary of State paid for this luxury yacht.

Tamás Menczer: The chancellor said that this holiday did not involve public money in any way.


Tamás Menczer: I am convinced that they are being attacked on this vacation because they cannot catch him at work. Since the reorganization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2014, 538 foreign investments have been made …

Györgyi Szöllősi: But it has nothing to do with it.

Tamás Menczer: Of course, no. Of course, no.


Györgyi Szöllősi: Either he paid for it or he accepted a gift. There are these two versions, the third does not really exist.

Tamás Menczer: Again. The….

Györgyi Szöllősi: If you have accepted a gift from an oligarch enriched with money allocated by the government, it is called corruption.

Tamás Menczer: E..on the one hand

Györgyi Szöllősi: Why is this a private matter?

Tamás Menczer: What you are saying is my strongest rejection of the mention of corruption in relation to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.


Tamás Menczer: I believe that the hundreds of thousands of people and families whose work is tied to the Chancellor’s job and whose monthly income and livelihoods are much more interested in having a job and income than in a Chancellor’s vacation.

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